Schools and Collages make students more matured and aged. so when you will turn to university life you will more matured in studies that time study will easy for students because of their experience in school and collage life. Some people believe that Universities students should require to attend classes because they think that it is important for their education. other people believe that going to classes should be optional for students. well those people are right who believe that going to classes is optional in university. because at university their is no restriction. It is your own choice to attend classes or not to attend a single class. but attending classes is most preferable because when you are in class you were listen lectures. just listing lectures give you much knowledge and it’s help students to more knowledgeable person and it will helps to improve students education. Just and example. when that student are in examination hall who attend classes whole year and now he have to write on a topic “Education” but he does not prepare that topic but they attend classes and lecturer give lecture on same topic so student remember their lecturer sentences and write down that sentences and similar by it self who is told by lecturer.