Some people become successful in their lives after becoming assiduous. They only become successful because of effort and according to them luck doesn’t play a role in success.
I disagree with this point of view that in order to get success in life luck is more important than hard work. A lot of people get jobs without any effort and without having good qualification while other having good degrees with them struggle throughout their lives. Some people don’t work hard and get the settled business from their family and becomes good business man without good education. Some people with equal degrees search for a job, go for interviews and only one is selected due to luck.
Some people agree with this point of view that hard work is necessary than luck. If a person works hards he or she would always get reward of it. If some works hard in order to get powerful education, learns a lot through his or her carrier,work hard for searching good job would definitely get it. Only some people are fortunate for getting what they want due to luck not all.
My friend who don’t study properly have given an entry test for M.B.B.S and she got admission in Fatima Jinnah medical college due to luck not hard work.
So they ratio of succeeding in life due to luck is more than through hard work. So luck matters a lot to succeed than hard work.