By observing the nature we can see that there is a discipline in every action like sun sets, sun rises and moon lights in the dark it never happens once in mankind history that sun stops setting or stops rising. It never happened that it rains while there is no could out there. So discipline is very important thing that nature has adopted it too and practice it daily.
Some parents are very touchy and they like to grow their children under a disciplined way. It is said that “mistake is not important but what important is whether you learn from it or not”. Why parents apply some strict discipline on children because they passed through that phase of life and they realized that what mistakes they committed. They do not want that their children have to face that situation which they have faced already. they try to make them better that them by applying discipline firmly.
This strict discipline help children when they become older and they have a discipline routine in their life to help them progress in the professional life. Its discipline which make us able to reach at work in time, its discipline which help us complete our tasks at a committed date.
Sometime setting children free and make them learn in their life on its own help them make strong and good person.
Discipline not only help children make a good strong person but also help us in being a successful in life whether its profession or personal.