Previously, the life used to be very simple, the people were very close and kind to each other. However, nowadays people are extensively using technology that is making them lazy and materialistic.
In the past, people preferred to visit relatives and friends personally, by visiting their homes. Such face to face meetings and stay at other’s home helped them to spend time with each other, know their worries and help them in the times of needs. The neighbors were just like family members. Kids had a number of different games to play, as a group. These activities required physical exercise and communication with other age fellows. The children were more active, energetic, social and strong from the beginning. Since there were not too much electronic devices in domestic use, so electricity usage and cost was low. People used to send their kids to the nearby government schools and pay a small tuition fee. Moreover, working hours were not so long and people had ample amount of time to spend with family.
Currently, people use social media sites to chat with people, living in different countries and cities. The value of blood relationships is declining with time as everyone has become brand concious and busy with his own life. They rarely make formal phone calls to their relatives, on occasions only. Thus they are becoming selfish and isolated from their own roots. No one knows who is living in his neighborhood and unaware of activities happening there, that is the reason that many social crimes and terrorist attacks are becoming common. Children spend their free time in watching TV and playing games on iPad and tablets. The traditional childhood games are diminishing with time, and the young generation is also becoming self centered and lazy. The use of automated machines has increased, that has also raisen the living cost.
I personally believe that the excessive use of technology is spiling our young generation. They do not follow their local culture and social values rather, surf the internet for latest fashion trends and adopt them blindly. The man power in factories has been replaced with robots that has resulted in unemployment and raised financial issues for lower class. The noble cause of acquiring knowledge is now becoming a social symbol where everyone wants to admit his or her child to a top class, technically equipped international school.
To conclude, it is certainly true that in the past people were more sincere to their relationships and had less day to day expeditures. The advancements in technology and the ease of access is making people selfish by isolating them from their surroundings and less healthy due to lack of physical activities.
* Raisen
Band 7