Cities are the economic factor of our country.Cities have lot of facilities other than the rural areas.cities have proper education,electric power,sewarge,housing,gas,shopping,jobs system.Due to that number of facilities people are moving to cities and they prefer to live in cities comparitive to rural areas.
Mostly people move towards the cities for making their children’s bright future.This is the major problem that cause overcrowding.I agree that the only way to prevent over crowding in citites is to prevent migration from rural areas.
Migration is the major factor of over crowding in cities but literal meaning of overcrowding is accomodation so the other factors that causes over crowding in cities espacially in pakistan is improper use of space,improper road dimensions and signals etc.
people used to build their houses in their own way.some people make their houses in large space but the number of living individuals in that space is only one to three.And some people are living in a very small space and small houses but in large numbers.thats the second factor of overcrowding.Space must be used properly.
Thirdly, overcrowding on roads happens due to the improper road dimensions and signals.There are lot of numbers of vehicles in cities.And over crowding happens due to wrong turns ,dimensions,and signals on roads.
Fourth and first factor that is goverment should control on migration from rural areas.but this is also the responsibilty of government to provide all facilities to the people that are living in rural areas.Because they are also human beings that are living in rural areas and they have to survive also like people of cities.
so i again agree from the point that overcrowding causes many problems it must be undercontrol not only by preventing migration from rural areas but also by using proper space.There must be flat of accurate sizes with all fcilities for a full package family.That flats must be build by the government.
Band 6.5