Democracy is basically the system in which people exercise their power to elect members which would elect there representatives to form a governing body, such as parliament. Democracy is also known as rule of majority. Democracy is formed to resolve the issue of a common person. In this modern era, two types of democracy set ups are there. One is parliamentary form of government and other one is presidential form of government. Mostly Asian Sides are using parliamentary form of government whereas most European sides are using presidential form of government.
In parliamentary form of government people exercise their powers to elect the members. The party that receives the highest votes will be elected as the ruling party. That party would make its government. They would elect their ministers. Among these representatives they would held an held elections and they would nominate the senators. Opposition leader would be of the party that held second highest votes or it can be made by the members of the parliament,
whom they would select in majority. These members can do changes in constitution or pass some bills.
Presidential form of government is that in which the representatives of two parties would elect an election. The people would give the votes and the side with the highest votes would elect their candidate to be the president of that country. Then he would select the members, ministers, senator etc.
Both types are efficient but we should improve our individuals so they know which persons will solve their problems. “Right To Vote”.