I remember my childhood when it was my extreme wish to drive a car then one day came I was on driving seat a i learned how to drive . I used to think it’s a piece of cake to drive on the road but on my first journey I realized it’s a tough job. Driving need all of our senses very sharp and quick responses to minor changes in the surrounding otherwise a little mistake can lead you to the mouth of death. There are news about road accidents in news papers daily and the reason behind are like the driver was sleeping at the time of accident, he did not recognize the vehicle because of low light some accidents also reported about the drivers who were medically unfit with specific diseases like Parkinson’s disease or the driver failed to recognize the other vehicle because of poor attention.
Around the globe anyone on the road driving a vehicle needs licenses otherwise it will be illegal. Licenses are issued for specific period of time in different country it’s different somewhere it’s for four years or 7 years then need to get new one. Interestingly test is the same for everyone, medically one should be fit with no color blindness and physical disability and know well how to drive safely etc etc.
Keeping in view the elderly drivers need some changes as it’s pretty sure with the passage of time in most of geriatric population their physical & mental ability tend to decrease as the cross the line of 50 or above .There are some common thing we all can expect from our elder that they forget the things in very short period of time, they have less concentration and attention span to a sustain mental or physical activity. They feel much fatigue after little excretion & response toward any stimuli decreases. Many physiological and psychological changes occur in old age
Therefore an elder driver need to be tested completely in medical perspective as well as the stamina & endurance in regard to attention as there are standards to test all these things. The workshops ,seminar lectures & training session should be designed to fill the deficit. The duration of licenses expiry should be decrease in elders. If a well designed plan should be follow it will be ultimately beneficial for everyone