State colleges are paid by government and refer to the specific state. People living in that particular state are known as in-state residents. And those living out of that particular state or city are known as out-state residents.
Every state tries to be highly beneficial for its inhabitants in all affairs whether it is related to educational or industrial issue. Every state also offer some services to the out-state inhabitants. As here we are talking about some facilities of college for in-state students therefore I accede that college must provide with them. The study in these colleges must be free of cost for in-state residents as educated people increase the economy of the state. They are proved to help in the progress of his country. No doubt, it is also fruitful for himself and his family but however an educated person contributes much in the development of his country.
If we have an educated person working in the field of agriculture so he will use the agricultural techniques which were taught to him by his teacher. As a result he would be able to earn more within the same circumstances than an illiterate person. No matter what sort of the work is, educated person would do his best to do that and would raise the glory of his state.
In the end, it is mentioned that colleges should facilitate all of his in-state inhabitants. Moreover, if there is any poor student then colleges should also offer them a job or if there is no job then they should be given a stipend which would help them to meet their daily needs