while talking about age ,anyone can tell someones ability to do a certian work ,his entheusium his ideas his way of doing work ,if he knows his age. But this cant be true all the time,we cant deny a fact that some people have higher iq levels and they are able to understand and do stuff more confidently and accurately then otherse and it largly depends on the way thy observe things ,manipulate their inferences and make a useful thing out of it but we cant skip the most important thing that is required for all of this and that is ones health it all depends on how healthy you are to performe tasks in daily routine. In younge age people are normaly healthy with high self esteem and spirit to archeive more while with increasing age ,yes,to some extent,their efficiency to do work is decreaced,but it doesent mean they cant do anything , their are tasks for every age group ,young people can be eaisly involved on physical activities and long hours of work but as the age progress they are more likely to get tierd asap that doesnt mean we should replace old people with young people beacuse the experiance they have is unbeatable. In every society their must be some organizations who give job opportunities to old people ,like they can be very efficient administrators ,managers,teachers. young people should be more indulged in other fields requiring physical work.evry age group has its particular place in society and their importance cant cant be denied,its a great delima of our society that we see old people mostely as vendors ,shopkeepers because they dont get a proper job .We must ponder upon this issue and give respect and make organizations who offer suitable jobs to old age group because as an individual and a member of community they atleast desever this.
* It is easy to determine the ability or enthusiasm of a person after knowing about his or her age.
We cannot gainsay the fact
They are able to fathom
At a young age
in physical activities
In every society there are organizations which hire aged people as the old people can render much better services due to their experiences.