Sports and games are the ways of enhancing the children’s mental and physical health. Sports provide them energy and strength for their growth. Both studies and sports should go hand in hand because sports are as important as studies. It Sharpens the brain and helps to develop positive things in their character. Schools should focus on both the things as it helps the students in character building. The recreational activities helps to generate healthy habits. If a a student is physically fit he/she would produce more academically. I believe that students should participate energetically in games and sports as it also helps them to improve blood circulation and physical well-being. Sports classes should not be stopped in High schools because of the already mentioned advantages of sports. If a person is physically fit and strong he would ultimately generate more intellectually. For that purpose it is important for a student to attend sport classes. It does not matter whether a student is in a primary or secondary school. The focus should be obviously on his education but the physical health is also important likewise. Because if no attention would be given to their physical self they would ultimately get lazy and lethargic and would not obtain good scores in their studies. So sports are vital for the mind as well as the body that is why the High school should not stop sport classes.
Very good!