My mother is the most important person to me in this planet. She is the embodiment of hard work, diligence, kindness and love. She loves all her children equally. It is a well known fact that mother’s love cannot be expressed with words, it can only be felt with heart. My mother and I have the special bond together that I’m sure exists between mothers and their children all over the world.This is because my mother is very sincere and trustworthy. Another great trait of my mother is that she is naturally friendly and welcoming. People are always attracted to her positive vibe and jovial nature.My mother is also very generous. This generosity is not just expended to her children, she extends a helping hand to anyone who needs it.She did all the chores over and over again, without complaining once. In fact, she would get offended if we did something without her. Even in sickness, she still woke up to prepare meals for us.Prayer is part and parcel of her life and she still prays today.I will forever be grateful to God for giving me such a wonderful mother. She is my role model and I will mold my life to be like hers. In my eyes, she is the embodiment of perfect motherhood and she is the standard that I will forever strive to achieve.
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She is an epitome of perfection and love