It is a hot topic of discussion that children spend most of their time in front of TV. They are always busy watching cartoons and animated movies. I will discuss about the reasons pertaining to such kind of behavior of children and remedial measures to prevent the children from this activity.
Nowadays, children spend most of their time at home due to the outbreak of corona virus disease. For that reason, they need some activity to indulge themselves to stay busy. Since it is lock down outside, they cannot move outside to perform any physical activities. They don’t have any option other than spend their time sitting in front of TV watching cartoons and movies.
Although watching TV can boost children’s learning and advancement towards science and technology, it cascades bad effects on their health because excess of everything is bad. They are getting dull and sluggish. Moreover, they are taking less interest in their studies due to addiction of TV programs and cartoons.
To overcome this situation, parents should play an important role so that their children don’t indulge in immoral and unethical activities. Parents should spend more time with their children rather than leaving them free in front of TV. In addition to that, parents should do counseling of their children and play indoor games with them. This would encourage children to deviate their focus from watching TV to other indoor healthy activities. Ultimately, children will become active and creative.
To sum up, these days, children are watching too much TV due to the lack of healthy indoor activities and deteriorating their health. In my opinion, parents should conduct counseling sessions with their children in order to rehabilitate them from this activity.