People have different believes about accepting the Bad situations and striving to improve the said situations. This essay will focus on both the view points in following paragraphs.
A number of people try to adapt to the worse job and Financial situation and do not look outside the box to see a window for improvement due to their insecurities. Employees of different organizations are a prime example of this situation where they always find hard to meet both ends but do no look for better options or self employment due to the fear of loosing their fixed monthly wages for a couple of months.
On the other hand we can also notice a number of people around us who happens to be in similar situation but are keen to improve and turn the tide in their favor by doing things which results in improvement for example these people will to additional courses and certificates which will help them get promotions and salary increments.These people are more widely acceptable in other organizations and have more opportunities in finding another job which is more desirable and employee friendly.
In conclusion i am with an opinion that we cannot always blame the situations for our shortcomings and hardships. The responsibility lays on us to improve the situations in our favor by doing an extra mile and less whining about the problems.