Gender equity brings an enormous changes(instead CHANGE as u write an enormous, an is used as single, so it become AN enormous change) in the society as men are no more superior to women but equal. Like many other changes it brings, one of the most significant is, it changes (no need to write ”it changes” again) the concept of that only mothers will provide care for their children rather, it is also responsibility of the father to do so. This change his developed for many reasons, and, although, it may have some(no need of some as u only wrote one impact) negative impact like harassment at work, but I hold quite optimistic view and will be evident from this essay about its far more positive effects.
To begin with, by far, the most primary reason for this is, gender equality. As, not too long ago, men were considered dominant in the society as compared to their counterpart whom(who is correct) were treated very low. Now, women are participating more actively and doing variety of jobs including contact sports like boxing, wrestling and even, rugby. Moreover, other factors also contribute, for instance, education. It plays significant role in making women more aware of their basic human(not necessary,u r already talking of human) rights and makes(s isnt required) them more capable of doing good-earning jobs.
More so, many great achievements by ladies in their respective field make others acknowledged their part in buildup of our society. Like, taking example of benazir Bhutto, leader of political party , was the first female prime minister of Pakistan and role model for many, including large number of males.
Moving forward, these changes brings(changes bring not brings) positive effects for both ladies and the society, as a whole. Women are now more confident then ever. Hence, playing their role by more better means in managing their family affairs but, also, in buildup of a better society.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that gender equality and education is the primary reason of making mothers out for work and is affecting families and society in a positive manner.
Word count: 300+