What makes you strong?
Nurture your strength to be a s ource of strength, I believe that theres nothing more than experiecnce that makes me strong. As we grow older we had to work on personality in order to be strong. the point here is what is meant by being strong? If it is about physical health then it could be easily done by practising yoga and other excercises but by being stromg I precieve the strength of ones soul to overcome the clamities of the modern era or it might be somthing that helps me nurture myself and interpersonal skills. well for both of them i need to be consistant and to be preprepared for what can happen in the future and hence be ready to face what ever might come and that can only be done by following the steps taught by the religion in order to have peace of mind and to act wise and resultantly be Strong.therefore in order to be strong i do mental and physical exercises and mostimportantly i offer my prayers.