IF I would have a chance to change any thing in my country So, I would change in my country factories which is very fundamental or crucial for our country good economic . Factories very good role play in the country like factories provides jobs to people for employment which is very mandatory for people to live good life on the earth.
Some people will want to change different things in country but if i would have a chance to change so i would change in my country factories like i will make in my country good factories so that people can get benefits and I will make good factories on the backwards areas so that pollution do not in the country which is very harmful for human health.
Furthermore, when I would make good factories in the country so in this case country will earn foreign exchange which is very beneficial for country economic like factories will export good to an other forging country and in this case factories will be earning foreign exchange.
Moreover, when country will have lot of factories in the country so in this case will amplify employment opportunities for the country people due to country will not get foreign debts from foreign country .
Factories will make good product like food product which is very important for people to live good life because” health is wealth “. People will get good food for eat so that they can live good . Some factories will provide different things like cloth, electricity things so that people can use in daily life .
Some time factories west critical time due to lack of experience Fore example if a person want to make factory but they do not have knowledge about factory that how can they make good factor in this case they will west their important time or money .
Government should give facilities to people make factories in the country so that people ameliorate their life style .
Nonetheless, people should to make factories in the country but factories should make on the backward areas due to pollution will not create in the country .