Business is very fundamental or crucial for every person to live good life on the earth. Business is a place where people work and earn profit or income . Some people like own business or other want to make big home but I would like a good business because when I will have a good business. So, in this case I can make big house easily.
Some people establish their own business because they want to earn income or profit it is very important for their good live. Fore example, if a person he or she has lot of money and in this case if he or she will invest on their business then he or she will be earning profit from their own business.
Furthermore , some people earn big profit from their business and spend on their health like good food , exercise which is mandatory for their good health and some people earn profit from their business and purchase luxuries for their good life or some people to purchase good cloth so that they can live good in daily life or they can change their life style.
Moreover, some time people do not good business establish due to lack of knowledge they west their important time or money they do not have lot of knowledge that how can they establish good business? And how can they persistent their business in this case they face many hardships .
Government should give advise to people that how can they establish their good business so that people can follow all good rules and they can establish their good business and continuous their good live .
People should establish their own business because in which own business huge respect compare to job and they can earn lot of profit and make their good house .