The bar graph represents the number of tourists visiting Dover and Troy, in four seasons, over the year.
Generaly, we can see that both contries have very different amount of tourisium for the months of summer and winter however, the trend seems somewhat similar for spring and fall. Surprisingly, for both the cities, lowest footfall was recorded in spring where as, in fall this number rose up for both of the cities.
If we talk about the city of Troy. It saw a maximum number of tourists in summer, around 23,000 tourists. Where as, the number of tourists recorded for the spring and winter seasons were around 5,000, which is quite low. In contrast, the city of Dover saw its most tourists in winter season, which were around 25 thousand. This was the maximum number recorded in whole year.
Surprisingly, the tourisum in Troy jumped from 5,000 to 23,000 in season of summer and decreased suddenly from 25,000 to 5,000 in the winter season. In contrast, for Dover the number of tourists linearly increased over the year, Seeing a minimum number in spring and maximum in the winters.