Murder is a crime so definitely proper rules should be made for prevention of these kinds of crimes and there should be proper implementation of those rules.
as the statement is explaining about murder and its punishment and what social aspects are involved in it as well as what kind of punishment should be given against that crime some people says that those who are committing murder should be behind the bars that’s enough
i am agree with this statement to some extent fisrt of all i will elaborate why people commit crime there are many social aspects are involved e.g why people becomes thieves definitely several reasons are behind it if i take an example of Pakistan there is high rate of thieves the reason is people are unemployed have not enough money to fulfill their basic needs when people will not have enough to buy food then definitely people will chose another way to fulfill their desire
similarly when people commit this crime(Murder)definitely have many reason one of them is illiteracy don’t know the human rights .
he does not know anything about humanity there is a need of teaching some values .
because where a nation is illiterate definitely a good and prosper nation can not come into existence .
second thing is there should be proper implementation of rules against crimes if i take an example of Saudi Arab there is rule for thieves they will cut their hands if any person will dare to thieve so surely people will think.
if i talk about punishment murder is not its cure we have to adopt some strategies to abolish this crime.we as a human being have no right to punish any person we all are God Creature and have no judgmental power.
on these grounds we can not kill to some one.
To summarize up murder killing should be vanished murders should be kept in prisoner under some hard circumstances so that they could realize the importance of life and in-dependency when they will spend their lives in torture then finally will come to know the pain of humanity.
the basic thing is to teach and make them good human beings.
Band 6.5
few grammatical mistakes!
We will discuss them in the class