The first computer was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly computer is a machine that is used to resolve human beings can calculate complex mathematics calculation except human beings can’t do all complex calculations. computers can perform two types of operations which called mathematical and logical operations.This is fact that Computers can easily do all the basic and advanced calculations. computers can be useful for children for learning mathematical tools and basic mathematics.there are few advantages and disadvantages of the computer and i will demonstrate both sides of the matter.
the first advantage, i would like to demonstrate that we can install different types of mathematical based games on the computers and children can learn and improve their skills in maths through computers games.
The second advantage is ,there are different types of mathematical books are available on the internet.Children can learn and improve skills in mathematics by using these books.
The third advantage is,children may not have an email address quite yet, but speaking with family members and friends through technology is another positive benefit for computer use. Tools like Skype, ooVoo, email and instant message can show your children additional ways to connect with people and take help form others.
According to my opinion the major disadvantage of Using computer for long hours means sitting in the same position which leads to poor blood circulation. This causes fatigue in the limbs, painful cramps and blood clots. Prolonged sitting is never healthy for the body and it is always advised to move around and do little exercises to stretch your body.
As much as skipping meals is a disadvantage of using computers for long hours, over eating is also another problem we need to tackle. Just like while watching television or movies we need something to munch on, while on the computer too people tend to keep eating snacks or any other food. Moreover prolonged sitting and no movement causes fat to accumulate inside our bodies and risk obesity.