Now a day democracy is very famous in the world. It is a way of run a government. In democracy general public caste the vote and select the representor from pool of applicants. That selecting member voices of general public of his region, by the power of general public vote he becomes the leader of thousands of persons and he also becomes the responsible for provide the facilities of life and presents the issues of his followers on the national level. There is number of benefits and disadvantages of democracy.
As I said earlier, in democracy persons come in the government by the vote of general public. Democracy plays a main role of state damages. Recently I read the article in which author mentioned that persons do not evaluate the candidate, they do not use their analytical skills and compare their previous performance or their statements, they become the part of queue and at the time of voting and they blindly caste the vote. They do not concentrate that such persons would beneficial for us or not. It considers the dark aspect of democracy. Means sometimes we select such persons for manage the state affairs, who do not eligible for take the responsibility. He also explained his research by this statement that such person who unable to run the government, he same like that person who does not know how to fly the aero plane, but he flies the plane. So we can take the help from this example that if government is performing goods and has failed to achieved any target or objective, so it would possible that they are disqualified personnel, and they do not able to run the government because they have not good leadership skills and also lack of management skills. So that is why author tried to compel the persons to evaluate by using their analytical skills before voting.
But on the other hand it is not the whole picture there is number of advantages of democracy. Numerous of countries who adapted the democracy for his political system and know they have come in the list of developed countries like we can take the example of England. We can also take the example of India, although there is number of problems like number of rebelling movements are running in India, but It is not running due to democracy it is running because they have poor acceptability factor, they do not accept their neighbors and neighbor rights and try to dominants on all resources. The main benefit of good democracy that general public could precentor of his selected leaders, while it does not possible in dictatorship, moreover in well democracy general public could also participate in the national decisions through their selected representor. And in Well democracy economy, resources and power does not controlled by one persons.
So at the end I am summarizing this essay that there is number of advantages and disadvantages of democracy. Now it depends on us that we can take benefits or bear losses, we take benefits if we select appropriate person otherwise we will face the loss. Democracy is not good or Bad it bases on the govern bodies that how they use their skills to run the democracy system.