I believe that the hard work and honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. people spent their lives and dedicated to their lives to the work, and then time comes when they have to leave this.
The Question is that why we should have to retire a person? Who has so much experience in that field and put a half part of his life into the work, who has better knowledge about that work but still we want to retire him/her. The answer to that question is that in man’s life a stage come when he can’t do his work more efficiently and almost about to loose the interest in his work because of equilibrium.
So according to me i think when a person celebrated his/her 50th birthday he should be retired. We should give the chance to a younger one who is more energetic, enthusiastic and quick and because he/she is young he can spend more time on work without tired. He/she has some new ideas, some new thoughts which he/she can put into the work and make it much better and much efficient while an old person has lack of initiative and has a dearth of new ideas and innovations.
So People should retire in there early ages rather than getting to 65 or 70 years and the best early age is 50.