Part-time working is quite famous in university students. Majority of the students work part-time to gain some extra amount of money. Some students have limited budget from parents so they have to work part-time in order to make both ends meet. In this way, they reduce load of their education on their parents and help them by contributing their part. University students have many compulsions from university like scientific geometry boxes, expensive books, calculators which cannot be easily afforded by poor and middle class students. Consequently, they have to do part time work. Although, the percentage of poor and middle class students is very much larger than that of rich students, rich students also work part-time to fulfill their passion. The most loved part-time work by students is giving home tuition to school and academy students and teaching in some academies. In addition to this, teaching keep their knowledge refreshed and maintained. Some students are fond of learning technical skills so that they could utilize them in earning their livelihood.
Furthermore, students should work or teach after their university time so that don’t have enough time to indulge in immoral activities. in this way, they stay busy and productive.Plus, earning money itself is a great feeling which motivates a person to work more hard.
By keeping in view the above mentioned benefits of working part-time, there is one negative impact too. When students indulge themselves too much into working, they are not able to give sufficient time to their studies. Their study grades tend to go down and so their interest in studies and curricular activities. They become stranded in this cumbersome situation.
In my opinion, students should do part-time work to have the above mentioned benefits but they have to create equilibrium between their studies and working. By adopting this method, they will flourish and make progress by leaps and bound.
* ,so they have to
You need to remove comma after although
,so that they could
and so does the interest in studies
GRA: 7.0
Overall: 7.0
A very good attempt
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