The dictionary definition of physics is “the study of matter energy and the interaction between them”. It is a natural science based on experiments measurements and mathematical analysis with the purpose of find laws for everything around the world.
Physics has a very long history, mostly people think ancient Greeks were the people who led the base of physics. Plato and Aristotle are one of from them who’ve a great contribution in physics.
In general it is very hard to explain what physics is. Physics is continuously changing as it is making progress and discovering new things as the times goes on.These new discoveries not only bring the new concepts and inventions but it is also creating a lot of new questions that might not have been think yet. All these things make physics make interesting and that the only reason people love physics more than any other field of science.
Mostly physicists spend their time in doing the following things :
explaining the most important measuring quantities in the universe like velocity , electricity, kinectic energy and the list goes on.( The struggle of finding the most fundamental description of the universe is the biggest aim of many physicists). All these concepts are covering one of the majore parts of the physics too.
Physics also cover the relationship between fundamental measured quantities and their work. Many great scientists work on this concept and contributed a lot in this field . Newton is also from one of those scientists who worked on this concept , his work is considered as a major pillar for physics, Newton worked on laws of motion ( his famous three laws of motion made a new base of physics). Another famous scientist, Einstein is also one of the famous scientist who played a vital role in physics. Einstein was a German scientist , his law of relativity are major pillars of modern physics.
Physics doesn’t just deal with theoretical concepts. It is already applied in every aspect of human activity, including:
Development of sustainable forms of energy production in various industries.
it is using in different hospitals during treatment like : cancer treatment, in radiotherapy, and in diagnosing illness through various types of Xray etc, these all are total based on physics.
Developing computer games
Design and manufacture of sports equipment
Understanding and predicting earthquakes
Infact, almost every sector have physics in them and giving us mind blowing results and helping us in doing many difficult task so easily.
Now a days, Physicists are increasingly using advanced computers and programming languages in the solution of scientific problems, specially for the complex process. The degree courses in physics now involve at least some computer programming.
I wonder what if the physics has not invented , our lives would be so hard to survive , it all because of physics that we can understand the nature.