Developing countries are third world countries,a less developed country or under developing country.the nation is with a less developed industrial base and a low human development index relative to other countries.Developing countries are struggling everyday to develop and to advance themselves. they are trying to develop themselves with limited resources.They should concentrate on the best use of their resource because best initialization of resources can divert the situation in developing countries.
I strongly believe that,they should prioritize education because the quality of human resource is such a factor which not only develop a country but also determine its future. Quality human resource can be only produced by the means of quality education. Quality education will help a country population to grow themselves as a good human resource in the competitive world and also ensure the strong survival of the country.Facts shows that, many countries which succeeded with minimal natural resources having greater number of quality human resource.I can take an example japan.Japan have minimal natural resource but it is fact that it has a good human resources which playing a vital role in the development and progress of Japan.
Those countries who think that,only industrial development can remove poverty and unemployment that’s why they should concentrate on the industrial skills and not in imparting on quality education such countries no doubt able to meet the requirement of the cheap laborer for the industry but far in producing quality human resource and as result of which they are lagging in growth. Prioritizing education and ensuring quality education to it’s population can only makes a nation stronger, richer and developed with the production of quality human resources. No doubt educational curriculum can be modified as per the need of the industry.
Nevertheless,This is true that quality education can be generate skilled human resource and these human resource can run any system.
*Japan has
Bnad 7.5