Poor countries are those where citizen deprive of basic needs of life like food, shelter/residence, clean water, quality education etc.Developed countries help them with finance and their experience to change the fate of the people of those people by providing them basic necessities of life.I think developed countries should continue to help the poor countries.Developed countries has excess of resources which are more than enough for them which they can use to develop health, food and education resources in poor countries.
Every coin has two sides poor countries should also use their man power and resources to improve their people’s life standard and don’t completely rely on the foreign aids.Usually poor countries have problems due to the corruption of their politician people.These corrupt politicians can also get in the way of international aids from reaching the needy people.So international aids should continue for poor countries but there should be a strict follow up aids and checking of usage of aids to the lower level.
* citizens are deprived of
have excess of resources
Band 5.5