Time once gone is gone for ever.this sentence has encapsulated the true value of time.Time only gives only chance and one has to put all effort and intelligence to make it best usable.
Time is really a wonderful thing.It can be defined satisfactorily.It has no beginning and no ending.All things are born in time,grown in time,even decay or die in time.Time doesn’t wait for any one. Time moves at its own pace. It cannot be commanded. It cannot be analyzed. It can not be criticized.
People say that time is money. But I am saying that it is more precious than money. Money lost can be recovered, but not the time lost. A moment lost is lost for ever. Time is ever changing. Change is the law of nature. Nothing is independent of change or time. Man’s life is very short but the work is much large and difficult. There are so much to do in one’s life. Therefore, we should not waste even a single minute. Every breath, every second should be used properly and meaningfully.
Nevertheless,i would like to say that time is an important factor in every field.Actually,we shouldn’t waste our time. this is fact that Great men and women use their every moments most profitably and economically.
I would like to demonstrate that the meaning and value of time.I can take the example of Japan. Japan was very down in every field.The nation of Japan have converted the weaknesses into strengthens. The nation of japan was very hard work and performed work with vigor and zest and utilize the time in positive way.Now a days Japan is very successful country on the world map.Time management can play a vital role for the utilization of time and Time can never be same.It can be change.
This is fact that, The Almighty God has also provided a limited time for our life. He has set sun, moon, earth etc to perform its duty in time. Time has been also set for complete devastation ( according to Quran Qayamat) of whole universe. Time will also watch the time after complete devastation. This time is only known to God.