The nuclear family system is a widely spread form of family, as it consists of two hetro-sexual partners and their biological. In many societies it is commonly experienced, yet other family types are growing in the society as well. Most sociological perspectives consider it as the best type such as Functionalism and The New Right. However, during the years 1961 and 1998, the percentage of nuclear households has fallen from 38% to 23%.
Sociologists argue that the nuclear nuclear family is the most child- centered family type as compared to a single- parent household, a homo-sexual household or extended family household. They say that in a nuclear family household, a child finds the perfect scenario for physical and psychological growth. For example, in an extended family household, a child would be raised in different ways by people of different ages. People of more age would raise the children according to the customs of their age, which might be outdated for child development in the present age. Sociologists also argue that as compared to the extended family type, the nuclear one adapts to the economic and political realities quicker and in a better manner, as it comprises of people with like mindedness. In the extended family type, people of different ideologies and lifestyles, live together.
A nuclear family is supposed as the best family type as it has a mother(female) and father(male) which play certain gender roles, which are integrated, which allow the children to grow up normally, and the integration of tasks sets a good example.
However, it may not always be a perfect way to manage a household. Children in such households also miss out on individual attention, as they might be living robotic lives in order to fulfill the needs of their children. Children might also feel ignored when the couple may spend time with one another. A few sociologists also argue that, children in such a household are raised in a isolated environment, and they may fail to adapt to other households, or survive in the society on later stages. Like-mindedness, which is an advantage may also serve as a disadvantage. Like-mindedness and stability of such a family type, would not let people of this family type deal with conflict. However, people in extended families have different ideas live together, hence conflict. So, people in extended families deal with conflict in a better way.
Even after acceptance and adaptation of other family types, the nuclear family type is still the most preferred family type. This type is not a guaranteed household of success and happiness but it is most likely to obtain such ideas.