Population is a total number of people who live in an area or a country and this population is increasing rapidly in developing countries. With this escalation now developing countries intensively have to work on providing food and places to live. For food and places we need more grounds to cover.
But that is not the only option we should not consume our forests because these forests are providing us oxygen in a far less and cheaper way if we produce it in laboratory. These forests help us decrease the overall environmental temperature and pollution generated by carbon dioxide which is actually the food of trees. These forests help us to get water in a shape of rain and these forests also help us preventing heavy winds and floods, and more over they can provide natural, green and pretty environment. So we should not sacrifice these forests just to accommodate our food needs and places to live.
We can utilize barren land by building dams and digging canals rather than consuming forests and we can produce food and build up places. We can use the area to live which is unable to produce food and we should use and explore new and smart ways to produce food. We can also use many usable food and fruits are being grown in forests and many animals for meat.
We should protect our forests not only to protect our environment but also to protect our lives and to live in a health and fresh air.