every person in this world has his or her own culture working and living abroad helps us to know othwer culture where we live we know their living of life when a person lives or works abroad he not only has to se some differences in the outside world but also some in him or herself.
culture broader our life and we cannot be free from the teachings of the culture which were ingrained in to our minds by our parents sometime it is good and sometime it is bad for us. most of the eourpean countries is culture is different their womans meet all peoples in openly while people in the asian country is have their limits in their culture they are also some benifits which might be taken if an individual accoustoms himself to the culture. working in a foreighn country will promote tolerence and respect for the other culture. there is equal respect there is both men and woman working in company in america, however a similar is a working in a pakistan.when we live abroad we know therir culture and others people culturev also and sometime some peole got their culture working abroad teach us to know how they live how they dress up how they meet with people in their culture style. when we live in america we get their culture how their women openly meet with mens and shakhehands but when we live saudia there have a different culture their womens wear abaya and which women go their she had to wear abaya compulsory their little girls wear abaya when go to school so working and living abroad helps us to know their culture well.
in conclusion living and working abroad helps us to know others culture and how there life was changed when you live abroad