The following graph and table display the average monthly temperature and the average number of hours of sunshine in London, new york and Sydney.
The temperature pattern for new york and London are the same though new york has the warmest climate than London. In contrast with those two cities, Sydney has the opposite temperature pattern in which July has the coldest weather among all months.
In January and December, Sydney has the highest temperature which was 26. Alternately, New York has the lowest temperature that is 4. Furthermore, the London temperature was a bit high than in New York which was 7 in January.
In July, New York has the highest temperature as compared to London and Sydney. The temperature pattern declined after July in New York and London while Sydney’s temperature increased after July.
As far as the table data is concerned, New York and Sydney have the highest annual hours that were 2535 and 2473 respectively. In contrast to this, London was deemed as the coldest city with fewer sunshine hours that was just 1180.