Harassment is a behavior intended to disturb or upset an individual. It can be of various types. Work place harassment, psychological, racial, religious, sexual and police harassment. Like many other evils this phenomena of harassment is also more common in under developed world. The most important of them is psychological one as it leaves no evidence. Only the victim knows this and it comes to notice only when reported by him to the concerned authorities. This involves use of abusive language, rebuking, taunting remarks and hostile dictatorial attitude thus leaving individual in a stressed state. This certainly can affect the performance of an employee and in extreme cases can lead to depression and suicidal attempts. Unfortunately like many other things there are no such laws in our country on the basis of which we can penalize the oppressor. Moreover, racial harassment is also deeply engraved in our society. Though this is quite a strange statement for true intellectuals but just consider all the important posts in the country you will find the answer.