Learning a foreign language is certainly a hard nut to crack. But there are certain tips that can help us in this odious task. First is conversation it is the most important step in any language study, nothing can substitute for it. Make friends who are good in it or those who natively speak your desired language. Use Google, face book, newspapers and all the available resources to get this task done. Give extra time to your new tongue 4h per day for 2 weeks are much better than 1h for 2 months. Keep on revising and use new words in your sentences. Don’t get frustrated. Keep the fun element on while you are learning this will make your job easier. Vocabulary is very important start with the most common 100 words use audio devices to learn them and once they are done then start conversation. Remember the language preparation passes through phases it’s not like that you will wake up one fine day and yes there it is I have learnt it all. Impossible every one passes through various phases make mistakes in pronunciation and sentence construction but ultimately you will do it if you are persistent. Once you have started thinking in a foreign language without the aid of your mother tongue it means you have learnt it.
Paragraphs/learning a foreign language
excellent! very informative
arduous task
important = fundamental