Now a days, institutions imposed information on pupils.student has been seen an object where teacher must have to place the information.The student has no authority and cognition of any sort.His job is only to memorize or internalize information down’s the throat whatever teacher tells him.It is a system of control not a concrete way to successfully educate.This process eventually leads the students to dislike school which results the development of negative attitudes and erroneous happening towards learning.For instance, textile industry fabricate indistinguishable fabrics than how it would be skillful in competition.Because
they don’t have creation of any sort.likewise student not cognitively active meant to memorize and repeat the information which results to inhibit creativity of him.The Montessori approach to education does the exact opposite.It makes student do all thinking and problem solving so that they arrive at their own conclusion.The teachers only guide the pupils but they do not engage them to solution.This learning approach makes them to acquire challenges whatever the circumstances.
Paragraphs/Paragraph:The Montessori education system and desire to learn.
Nowadays, institutions inundate students with homework
down one’s brain
results in the development
Write these sentences again
For instance, textile industry fabricate indistinguishable fabrics than how it would be skillful in competition.Because
they don’t have creation of any sort.likewise student not cognitively active meant to memorize and repeat the information which results to inhibit creativity of him.