There are so many advantages of doing a part time job. children get experience from the job, as well as they can bear all their miscellaneous expenses. With part time job mostly children can support their families financially. on the ...
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IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: what are the advantages and disadvantages of the increase in student number at university?
hassanmansoorIncrease in the number of the students in university shows the reputation and goodwill of the institute.More number of students can take admission in the institute, it becomes more famous in the society.on the other side it shows some bad ...
IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: These days learning foreign language is a waste of time as computer can translate quickly and accurately? to what extent do you agree or disagrre?
hassanmansooryes, i am agree with the statement. Because computers can translate quickly and accurately,learning foreign language is a wastage of time.The Best example, we have is google translate you can write or speak any word. you can easily translate all ...
IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: some people believe that universities should be make sport compulsory module on all degree courses as rates of obesity are getting higher and higher. to what extent to you agree?
hassanmansooryes, i am agree with the statement. sports is a good activity for the students. now days, obesity ratio increase day by day in the students. University makes sports compulsory in every module of degree courses. it can help students ...
IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: Advertising and promotion is the key to a profitable what extent do you agree?
hassanmansoorYes, i am agree with the statement. With the help of good advertisement, you can grow your business easily. Different types of promotion also help your business to become more profitable. we can see in the stores like “by one ...
skin whitening products should be banned from being sold as they have no place in a free and fair society.what extent do your agree with that statement?
hassanmansoorYes, i am agree with the statement that skin whitening products should be banned from the society, because they have no place in it. It is made up of different types of local chemicals,which is injurious for our skin. it ...
In certain countries there is an increasing trend for people gain employment.what advantages and disadvantages can come from this trend?
hassanmansoorIn certain countries there is an increasing trend for people to gain employment. It has some advantages. In online employment you can easily do your job,whether in your house or outside the house.Time can easily manage. Furthermore, your salary can ...
why do you think good teachers prefer not to work in rural areas in developing countries,and what could be done to solve this problem?
hassanmansoorMost of the good teachers can prefer not to work in rural areas of developing countries, because the facilities which are given by the government are less then the demand of the teachers. Teachers have to use their mind more ...
crimes rates in most countries are often higher in urban areas than in rural areas.what do you think are the reasons for this and what can be done to lower the crime rates?
hassanmansoorCrime Rates in urban areas are often higher than the urban areas, because people living in urban areas have more wealth then the people of rural area.I think reasons behind is the lack of education or unemployment . we can ...
in many large cities areound the world youth crime is growing at a fast rate.what are the reasons for this and suggest some solutions.
hassanmansoorIn many big cities around the world youth crime is growing at a fast rate,because of unemployment. Most of the students, after completing their studies can not get a job. so they do crime to fulfill there needs. we can ...