Numerous people feel that money will satisfy them, as they can buy everything. However, there are certain things money cannot buy. This essay will first throw a light on the fact how money make people happy. Then, it will discuss ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
These days many families move to other countries for work. Some people believe that the children in these families benefit from this move. However, others believe that it makes life more difficult for the children. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
saira007Recent advancements in technology and transportation in particular has changed the world order. Today, it is not unusual for people to work abroad. Most expatriates relocate their families to the countries at. Most people argue that this phenomena negatively impacts ...
Paragraph on my favorite animal
asma928There are many animals I like, but Lion is my favorite animal. I like it because it is called as the king of the jungle as well as it is strong and magnificent. As there are many qualities of lion ...
Paragraph on my favorite perfume
asma928The name of my favorite perfume is Jasmine. One day I went to the mall and I saw an advertisement over there. Hence, I decided to go to the perfume shop. Even though I am not a big fan of ...
Paragraph on my favorite mall
asma928A shopping mall is a place where everything is available under one roof. Emporium mall is one of my favorite mall. As this mall is situated in Johar town Lahore, it is near to my home. There are almost 200 ...
Paragraph on my favorite garden
asma928A garden is the best place in the house. Nevertheless, people in this era are not able to build a garden, because of lack of space. Since I have a very beautiful garden in my house, it is my favorite ...
Paragraph on my favorite river
asma928Last year, I went to Balakot region to spend my summer holidays with friends. All the areas of Balakot are beautiful, but Kunhar River offers great eye catching scenes which are appreciated by the tourists from all over the globe. ...
Paragraph on my favorite airline
asma928I have already been on airplanes a lot in my life with a number of airlines on many different routes. Recently, I traveled to Turkey on Turkish Airlines, and my experience with this airline was fabulous. Turkish airlines provides good ...
In many countries, woman no longer feel the need to get married. Some people believe that this is because woman are able to earn their own income and therefore do not require the financial security that marriage can bring. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
bisma53Nowadays,discrimination about gender has been faded away.In current time,both genders are doing work.I am agree with this concept, but i also believe there are some reasons for this reluctance In many developing countries,women does not feel to tie the ...
Short Paragraph on Favorite Laptop
awaisshahMy favorite laptop are Samsung laptop, because the shape of laptops are very unique. Furthermore, they are light weighted and they don’t heatup quickly. The specifications related to RAM, ROM and battery timings are very good and available in the ...
Some people think that foreign visitors should be charged more than locals when they visit cultural and tourist attractions in a country. To what extent do you agree with this view?
ahmad.tahaNowadays, people are living busy life that they are not able to spare time for themselves. Tourism is a very good source of relaxing and taking a break from the routine life. It is often suggested that foreign tourists and ...
Short Paragraph on Favorite Bag
awaisshahIn my childhood, my favorite bag was my school bag. I like him very much. In School time, the bag was very unique. There were number of pockets which were separated for books and notebooks. There were also some sub ...
Children nowadays spend a great deal of time watching television. However, television cannot replace the book as a learning tool, which is why children are less well‐educated today. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
ahmad.tahaIn this modern era of technology, everyone is interested to use latest gadgets to perform their daily tasks and recreation as well. It goes without saying that science and technology has cascaded many positive impacts in the development of community, ...
More and more people are migrating to cities in search for a better life,but cities life can be extremely difficult. explain some the difficulties of living in a city.
bisma53In recent days, more and more people are travelling to urban areas to maintain a better way of living.The life in cities has both pros and cons.I believe that government should take some action to make people life easier in ...
Short Paragraph on favorite foot ball player
bisma53Cristiano Ronaldo is my favorite footballer and sportsperson.He motivates me very much.he has many fans all around the world.he was the vital reason why i was started and following this splendid game. on field, he is a very demanding player.Moreover, ...
Short Paragraph on favorite country
bisma53My favorite country is turkey.It has the largest population.The people are many efficient and kindhearted.The food is very interesting and scrumptious.Turkey is an ancient country, and has many historical places to visit.As long as,i could go there, i want to ...
Short Paragraph on favorite community
bisma53Every person is connected with many communities in their lives.those are relates to family ,related to friends,related to sport, and related to work.My favorite community is my college friends. Friends are the one who brings out a best in you. ...
Short Paragraph on favorite word of English
bisma53I would like to choose a very simple word,as everyone knows and uses,but still it has deep meaning. i would like to choose the world MOTHER. As you know very well, Mother is the first word a baby says.Moreover,for the ...
Short Paragraph on favorite equipment
bisma53we are living in a world, where we cannot imagine our lives without technologies.the equipment i like the most is MY Laptop. This electronic device has helped me in many aspects including assignment,office,study and in communication.I can save numerous videos, ...
Short Paragraph on favorite language
bisma53Language is crucial because it is one of the foremost way to communicate with each others.Provided that we know the language of other countries then we can communicate them easily without any obstacles.Urdu is my native language ,but the language ...
Paragraph on my favourite brand
zainab790Every brand has its own colours but, my favourite brand is ‘Generation’. This brand offers many choices for the customers and offers something different from regular prints and colours. They provide their customers with ethnic and striking dresses which are ...
Paragraph on my favourite laptop
zainab790HP laptops are always my recommended gadgets including laptops. It provides with all the essential necessities one needs in their laptops. Its battery is lightweight which makes it easy to move from one place to another. They have a better ...
Paragraph on my favourite haircut
zainab790Childhood memories never vanish away. It holds immense memories that one can never leave apart. I can still remember my childhood look with short French hair, which used to be my most favourite look. It used to make me so ...
Paragraph on my favourite holiday destination
zainab790London has been my most favourite holiday destination since childhood. It is an absolute amazing tourist place, with a number of places to visit. Its fame is mainly due to the presence of riven Thames. It has astounding museums, cafes, ...
Paragraph on my favourite vegetable
zainab790Broccoli is a green plant consisting of a healthy diet. It is said to be my favourite vegetable as it provides a sense of fibre, vitamins and potassium. It helps our body fight toxic diseases and is a powerful antioxidant. ...
Parapgraph on my favourite plant
zainab790Every plant has its own advantages but however, aloe Vera is a healthy plant and is my most favourite. It does not only contain Antioxidant and antibacterial properties but also is very refreshing for skin and prevents wrinkles. Moreover, this ...
Parapgraph on my favourite fruit
zainab790Eventhough, every fruit is very essential to maintain a healthy diet. Strawberries are my most favourite. Firstly, its colour is so dazzling to me that I just can’t control. Secondly, they smell heaven and taste even mouth-watering. They leave an ...
Paragraph on my favourite website
zainab790In the past week, I got to know about a website known as “flipgrid”. It is interesting in many ways. This website is mainly known for student teacher interaction. In addition to this, it improves the digital literacy skills for ...
Parapgraph on my favourite leisure activity
zainab790Books are the mystery of human creativity. It broadens one’s mind and hence, guides us to lead our future with confidence. Books plays an important role of friends as it helps one relax, refresh and think positive. It is very ...
Paragraph on my favourite teacher
zainab790Teachers play a very vital role in each and every part of life. They are the ones who show you the path towards light and success. Although, each and every teacher plays her part to give their best to their ...
Short Paragraph on Favourite cricket
bisma53Cricket is a world famous game,and also includes some of the legends of the world. One of my favourite cricketer is shaid afridi khan. He considers popular among many cricket lovers. Moreover,he is very jovial and friendly person. From the ...
Nowadays children watch too much TV. Why is this happening, and what can be done to prevent it?
zainab790It is agreed that nowadays children spend most of their time in front of their television screens. Idleness is accumulating progressively in today’s generation. Very few children in today’s generation are creative, others are all unimaginative and are wasting their ...
Nowadays children watch too much TV. Why is this happening, and what can be done to prevent it?
ahmad.tahaIt is a hot topic of discussion that children spend most of their time in front of TV. They are always busy watching cartoons and animated movies. I will discuss about the reasons pertaining to such kind of behavior of ...
To be successful in a field a person should require formal education in that relevant field. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
ansab315Formal education has paved way for the modern era and is the basis of logical and rational thinking. Education has contributed immensely to social development across the world and has provided different people with the skills necessary to navigate a ...
Nowadays, children watch too much TV. Why is this happening and what can be done to prevent it?
asma928In modern society, it seems that children are likely to spend lots of their time watching television. There are several factors which have contributed to the development of this unhealthy trend in children. In this essay, I will discuss that ...
Now a days , children watch too much TV , Why is this happening and what can be done to prevent it.
maryam221Today’s generation has been addicted to TV ,and they don’t have time to spend with family.There are numerous reasons behind this ,such as parent are busy in their practical life , interesting stuff on TV channel , and many more.In ...
Nowadays children watch too much TV. Why is this happening, and what can be done to prevent it?
saira007Today children are watching more television than at any point in the past. The reason children spend a large amount of their time watching television is the development of streaming websites. Parents should eschew smart phones to curb this trend ...
Short Paragraph on Advertisement
bisma53In today’s world,advertisement has became the significant tool for promoting the commodities. Nowadays,almost every companies doing advertisement for promoting their products,or to attract more consumers. In this essay,I am gonna discuss the both benefits and also some drawbacks of advertisement. ...
Some people think that children should not be given homework while others believe that they must get homework every day in order to achieve highly at school. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
asma928Whether or not children should receive homework everyday is a matter of debate.Many parents and teachers insist that students should be given some tasks that they should complete at home. However, others completely oppose this view and claim that homework ...
IELTS Band 7 Sample Essay: Some people are of the opinion that art is an essential topic for children to learn at school, while others believe it should not be studied at school at all. Discuss both side of the issues and give your opinion.
asma928One of the highly controversial topics today relates to whether art is a pivotal subject for school children or not. While some people argue that teaching art subjects is a waste of time. In my opinion, arts should be optional ...
A life changing moment (it’s a story)
aemen“Stop it!” “Please, stop it!” “Stop hitting my mom!” Wailing and sobbing tearfully the 6 year old girl hoped her father and grand-father would listen to her cries. Holding on to her 3 year old sister she hurdled in the ...
Short Paragraph on my favorite insect
rafia86My favorite insect is ladybug. Since my childhood, I am very much attracted toward this insect. During summer vacations I used to go to park in early morning with my father, it is the first time when this little insect ...
Paragraph on my Favorite Leader Nelson Mandela
rafia86World history had many heroes and leaders that embrace the crown of changing fate of the nations. Leaders around the globe become the reason of bringing many revolutions. My favorite leader is Nelson Mandela, an African born politician and revolutionist. ...
Paragraph on my favorite town in the world is Clamor in France
rafia86This world is very beautifully crafted by our Lord. It has enormous places with unique qualities to enhance the beauty of world. Although I haven’t travelled a lot around the world, I am very passionate about travelling. For this craze ...
Paragraph on my favorite type of dance is Ballet Dance
rafia86Dance is a form of visual art. It’s a great display of flexibility possessed by human body. Dance has been remained an integral part of culture throughout human history. It’s a way of expressing joy and celebrations on ceremonies, events ...
IELTS Essay Band 7: Some people think watching movies is a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?
zainab790In my opinion, movies are not a waste of time. Movies teach us lessons with reference to life. Movies educate us and opens the frames of our minds. Movies can be used for inspirational and educational purposes so they are ...
IELTS Band 7 Sample Essay: Some think that governments should tax unhealthy foods to encourage people to eat healthier. To what extent do you agree or disagree?.
zainab790I agree with this statement that government should tax on unhealthy food so our community gets involved with healthy food. Eating healthy food is basic to well-being and good health. Healthy eating helps us to maintain a healthy weight and ...
IELTS Essay: Some people point out that there will be less international travel in the future. Is this a positive or negative development?
farukhazeemTraveling abroad is becoming increasingly popular around the globe. However, according to few people, international tourism would not be much appreciated in future. In my opinion, limited international traveling negatively affects economic and social motives of any country as well ...
IELTS Band 6 Sample Essay: Global warming is one of the greatest threats to our planet. What are the main causes of global warming and what solutions are there to this problem?
haris0369As we know all global warming is a phenomenon of climate changing. It is largely caused by human activities and it threats to nature and people of the world. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants ...
IELTS Sample Essay: Smoking has been proven to be seriously harmful to the smoker and also the surrounding people. It should be therefore banned in public places. To what extend do you agree and disagree.
moattarasimA number of people who smoke have increase over the years. These people know that smoking is a seriously harmful to the smoker but people still choose to smoke. I am totally strongly agree with this idea that smoking should ...