Modern inventions are essential for advancement in the field of science and technology. At present, scientists and engineers are working day and night to invent new gadgets which can make human life easy and luxurious. People can see each other ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Libraries should concentrate on improving their technological resources rather than purchasing a wider selection of books
zainab790I do not agree with this statement that libraries should concentrate on improving their technological resources rather than purchasing books. Libraries have always known for the pleasurable books. The books are the culture of the libraries and this culture cannot ...
Sometimes company sponsor sports events in order to advertise themselves and some people think that is oaky, while others think there are disadvantages to this. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
awaisshahThe advertising method has been changed over long time. Sponsorship is considering as one of the important part related to advertisement of different brands of company. Some says that there are many benefits of advertising, while other people think it ...
Many children today are exposed to violent videogames and TV programmes. How harmful is this? What can be done to fight this problem?
ahmad.tahaIn this modern era of science and technology, everyone wants to use the latest gadgets for recreation and luxurious life. In addition to elders, children are also enthusiastic about video games and TV programs. Fighting and war related games gain ...
Technological devices weakening family relationships
zainab790Families play a vital role in each and everyone’s life. One needs their loved ones at a time when in need, when alone, for discussions and consultations. Since the invention of technology is rising at its peak, every individual is ...
Banning cars from city centers would be an efficient way to improve congestion and traffic flow. Whereas other people feel that this is an unrealistic solution. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
ansab315Whether cars should be banned from city centers or not is a complex issue, and many people have strong feelings about it. There are several reasons why cars should be banned from city centers. Firstly, it would reduce pollution which ...
Less socializing due to excessive usage of smartphones
zainab790Yes, I do agree with this statement that smartphones are making our society less social. No one goes around to relatives and talk, but instead, they just tune each other. Nobody wants to engage anymore and our smartphones which we ...
Children who begin reading earlier in life do better academically later on in their school life. How important is the development of early reading skills in a child’s performance at school and what further pre-school factors influence later academic success?
saira007Early educational skills help children achieving success later on in their academic career. Several researches have shown that early literacy skills have profound impact on child’s personal development. Early reading habits are learned prior to child entering formal education.Parents, the ...
The roads in major cities today are often difficult to travel on. What are the causes of this? What are some possible solutions?
ahmad.tahaIn this modern era of technology, everyone desires to have luxurious life to the extent he can afford. Science and technology have added many benefits and luxuries in the life of humans but there are some drawbacks as well. One ...
The roads in major cities today are often difficult to travel on. What are the causes of this? What are some possible solutions?
ahmad.tahaIn this modern era of technology, everyone
Negative effects of advanced technology
zainab790Nowadays, everyone is directly or indirectly involved in using technology. In today’s century, the use of advanced technology has made one’s daily life work easier, simpler and much organized. Technology is advancing each and every day especially the things we ...
Earning less money and having more free time is better than having more money and less free time. Discuss both views and state your opinion.
awaisshahNowadays, everybody wants to make money in quick time. The majority of people think that having more money and less free time is the best way of spending life. However, on the other hand, some people think earning enough money ...
In some countries a small number of people receive extremely high salaries. Some people believe this is a benefit for a country while others think that the government should regulate salaries that people can earn. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
ansab315Income varies from country to country because some countries are developed, while others are developing. A handful of people earn huge chunks of income and the rest just struggle to pay their bills. Therefore, some people argue that government should ...
Short Paragraph on higher salaries
ansab315In some countries a small number of people receive extremely high salaries. Some people believe this is a benefit for a country while others think that the government should regulate salaries that people can earn. Discuss both views and give ...
Tourism continuous increase around the world. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism on both the individuals and society?
awaisshahNowadays, tourist increases day by day. Most of the people doing this as a hobby. They love to watch different places for entertainment. Tourist do it when bored, or in leisure time. Now we will see, what will be the ...
Some people think that older school children should learn a wide range of subjects to acquire more knowledge, while other people believe they should learn a small number of subjects in details. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
sd_shahzaibComprehensive study plays a pivotal role in a child’s development, as it provides a wide range of subjects for enhancing knowledge and for helping children to develop their passion for a specific field. In 2019, Times magazine reported that a ...
We have three important parts of education reading, writing and Math. Some people think every child will benefit from a fourth skill added to the list: computer skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
sd_shahzaibI strongly advocate that every child in this ever changing world should be taught computer skills. Computers have not only provided us a new and modern way of living, but it has also given us a way to solve most ...
Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think tge advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?
hassanbeltiMuseums is a great place where people experience the glimps of past through the view of historical antiques. Charging a fee for admission or entrance of museum has many advantages as well as disadvantages. This fee income can be beneficial ...
Topic: Today the high sales of popular consumer goods reflected the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.
nuzhat121Nowadays, it has been observed that the advertising has great impact on the sales of popular consumer goods. So, I am likely to agree with above point of view. One of which reason is the exaggeration of goods by advertising ...
The recent popularity of online shopping will result in the end of high street shops. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
faizan2291The popularity of online shopping has significantly increased over the past few decades. Some people believe that conventional shopping would eventually be replaced by this web-based online shopping. This essay will argue as to why I strongly agree with this perspective. The ...
The material progress and well-being of one country are necessarily connected to the material progress and well-being of all other countries.
hamzarasoolIt is true that developed and prosperous nation would have ripple effect on the nations around then or associated with them. Thus I am inclined to partially accept the speakers views that nation will thrive if all other countries around ...
The material progress and well-being of one country are necessarily connected to the material progress and well-being of all other countries.
hamzarasoolIt is true that developed and prosperous nation would have ripple effect on the nations around then or associated with them. Thus I am inclined to partially accept the speakers views that nation will thrive if all other countries around ...
Issue Essay 1
hamzarasool“Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life.” Essay The speaker is of the view that we live in a place where technology is pervasive and it is causing more harm then ...
Issue Essay 1
hamzarasool“Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life.”
Issue Essay 1
hamzarasool“Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life.”
Billions of dollars are being wasted each year on space research. The money could be better used to improve conditions on earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
galaoudinWell, many may say that, billions of dollars are being squander every year on space fact-findings. The money could be finer used on the ameliorate circumstances on earth.In this essay, i will discuss why the assumption of certain folks are ...
Short Paragraph on Unpaid community services
galaoudinOne very convicing point is that, it is the assumption of certain folks that unpaid society services should be a mandatory part of high school programmes (for instance, working for charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to juveniles). This ...
Some people believe that in 100 years time life will be easier for the majority of people, while others are unsure about this. What is your opinion?
sana37Researchers and scientists are trying hard to improve lifestyles of people. As the life have become easier over the past few decades, it can be assumed that it will become easier in the coming century. Since, these advancements brought some ...
Paragraph on Account
maryam6Account mean to maintain the record of one’s money expenditures regarding debit and credit changes.Moreover, Account consists of five types such as assets,liability,expenditure, income and equity.It is further classified as real, personal and nominal account according to the purpose of ...
Paragraph on accelerator
maryam6Accelerator have different meaning in different perspective,but according to my perspective accelerator mean to “speed up” things.Accelerator also fix in the car,which purpose to speed the car.Accelerator is also an online software,which provide opportunity for you, to create high resolution ...
Paragraph on abroad
maryam6Many people like to go abroad, and they wanted to pursue their life in new traditions. There are many reasons behind it,because many people prefer to foreign culture over its native culture, most of them go abroad for the purpose ...
Short Paragraph on Armor
arslan50Armor is some kind of iron suite that cover the whole is used in past year during the war for protection.
Short Paragraph on Area
arslan50Area is a region or place that anything can covered.Everything have their own area according to the their size and volume.In geometry there is different formulas for different shape kinds of shapes.
Short Paragraph on Army
arslan50Army is an group of people who are equipped and trained and fighting for their there homeland.Every countries have its on army. An other meaning of army is that a large number of group that is involve in specific activity.
Short Paragraph on Application
arslan50Application is a kind of official request for something like to leave from office,school or any other purpose.It is usually in written.
Short Paragraph on Arrow
arslan50Arrow is a long wooden stick with sharp iron end.Not only it is used to attack on enemies but also used for hunting in past was very useful weapon in that days.
Paragraph on Abdomen
maryam6Abdomen consists of thorax and pelvic region.Thorax extends from chest to pelvic bone, which forms diaphragm.On the other hand,Pelvic region consists of digestive system such as liver, pancreas, spleen and gallbladder.All these components work together to digest the food in ...
Billions of dollars are being wasted each year on space research. The money could be better used to improve conditions on earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
sana37Every year governments are spending billions of dollars on space researches. Some people think that they are wasting this money, and it could be used for the betterment of the conditions on earth. Although space research has its own worth, ...
Short Paragraph on Appeal
arslan50Appeal is a kind of urgent request.People do appeal in different satuation like in cricket match bowler do appeal to the empire to got batsmen wicket.Similarly,you did appeal when you take leave from work infront of your boss.
Short Paragraph on Apparel
arslan50Apparel is simply called clothes.Apparel are very important for good personality.You need to dressed different clothes according to occasion.
Short Paragraph on Apparatus
arslan50Apparatus are very important in our daily life.Every apparatus makes for some purpose.There are many apparatus like hammer,screw,nail-cutter etc.
Short Paragraph on Apology
arslan50Apology is an act in which you say sorry to someone because you did wrong thing or behaviour.
Short Paragraph on Aperitif
arslan50Aperitif is a type of alcohol drink.Most people drink it before eating dinner,lunch etc to increase own apitite.
Paragraph on Alligator
uzair1990Alligators belong to the family of crocodiles. Their appearance resembles that of a crocodile. They have ferocious nature and these creatures mostly live in ponds and seas.
Paragraph on Alley
uzair1990The alleys of Gotham at night are not depicted to be safe places in Batman series. A lot of crimes are committed on alleys at night since it is crowded with various criminals during that time.
Paragraph on Allergist
uzair1990Last winters, I had a weird allergy on my feet so I went to see my allergist. He was able to diagnose it and gave me a prescription of a cream that cured me of that allergy in two weeks.
Paragraph on Alibi
uzair1990The accused persons of interest had a solid alibi for the evening of the murder. The judge tried his best to convict them for another robbery but they had an alibi for that day as well.
Paragraph on Algebra
uzair1990Algebra is a crucial part of the GRE exam. Students learn algebra throughout from their high school to University level. Having a good command over algebra is essential to be successful in maths or calculus.
Paragraph on Alcohol
uzair1990Alcohol is extremely dangerous to health. It harms far more than it helps. It is usually consumed by addicts and destroy their relationships with other people. It is also used in certain medicines.
Paragraph on Albatross
uzair1990Albatross are large seabirds found near oceans and other seas. Some of them are white in color, while others are greyish black. They have large wings.