An alb is a long white dress worn by priests in Churches. The stuff is mostly linen with golden lining. Almost every church have a priest who wears this dress. So, it is kind of a symbol of Christianity.
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Paragraph on Alarm
uzair1990It is my habit to set at least 3 to 4 alarms every morning. It gives me an assurance that even if I miss a couple of them I can always rely on the last two. Plus, the amount of ...
Short Paragraph on Apple
arslan50Apple is very beneficial fruit.It contain lot of carbohydrate which is very useful in our daily life.Not only apple juice is very tasteful but also it shake very delicious.Doctors says if a man eat one apple daily it can save ...
Paragraph on Airship
uzair1990Airship is an aircraft that does not need wings or an engine to operate. It uses a gas lighter than air, usually helium, which keeps it buoyant. It can be used for various tasks like research of sea creatures or ...
Paragraph on Aardvark
maryam6Aardvark live in Africa,south of the Sahara called ” Afrikaans Sahara animal”.A glimpse on Aardvark look like pig animal.On the close inspection,it has resemblance with other animals features such as rabbit like hear and kangaroo tail,but Aardvark related with none ...
Some psychologists say that doing absolutely nothing for the period of time each day is the key to decreasing stress in everyday life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
sana37As the time is passing, people’s lives are getting more stressful. Psychologists are working on this matter so that they can solve this problem. To cope with this problem, some psychologists suggest a solution. According to them, spending some free ...
Should individuals be responsible for improving the environment, or should it be the responsibility of governments and large companies?
sana37As the time is passing, people are facing environmental issues more than ever. Although everyone is responsible for the improvement of environment, government and large companies have more responsibility. As governments are the law makers, they can persuade people easily. ...
In the world of the internet, people write product reviews of products and services. Do you think this is the positive or negative development?
sana37In this modernized world, it is very common to write reviews about products and services. People are paying for products; thus, they have every right to have an opinion about the product. Before buying a product, people usually consult internet ...
Paragraph on Airport
uzair1990The airport is a platform where airplanes land and fly to their destinations. People can travel through airplanes only by going through the process at the airport. There are multiple planes going in and out of the airport simultaneously.
Paragraph on Airplane
uzair1990Airplane is a mode of transport that takes people from one place to another. Different airlines own their own respective planes and all the maintenance and other work is the responsibility of the airline.
Paragraph on Airmail
uzair1990Airmail is a parcel that is shipped to you from another place and it arrives through the airline. Last week ECE shipped my credential through DHL from Wisconsin USA to Lahore Pakistan and I could track my parcel through the ...
Paragraph on Airline
uzair1990An airline is a company that operates to provide air transportation services to passengers and other stuff. They charge the passengers some amount through tickets for their services.
Paragraph on airforce
uzair1990Airforce is the army that is responsible for the security of the air boundaries of their country. They monitor the air traffic of the country and responds if there is any violation.
Paragraph on Airfare
uzair1990Airfare is something that people pay in the form of cash if they wish to travel from one place to another via airplane. The amount of airfare depends upon the distance between origin and destination.
Paragraph on Airbag
uzair1990Automobiles like cars and trucks come with airbags installed in them. They are manufactured for the safety of drivers and passenger. Without them, the likelihood of fatal encounters increases.
Paragraph on Air
uzair1990Air is an essential part of life. It is referred to as Earth’s atmosphere. Without air, we cannot breathe or survive. Currently, we do not know if other planets of our solar system contain any air or other life forms.
Paragraph on Aid
uzair1990Aid means to help someone in need or trouble. During battles, the ground forces usually need aid from the air forces to navigate through enemy territories.
Paragraph on Agreement
uzair1990The agreement is a binding contract between two people, parties or entities. The rules of the agreement are meant to be followed by both parties and if any party breaks that rule, the agreement becomes null and void.
Paragraph on Aglet
uzair1990Since childhood, I have a habit of tearing apart the aglets of my shoelaces. I would go on to do this to every new shoelace that I used to get.
Paragraph on Aggression
uzair1990Aggression has become a daily routine in our society. This can be related to the high pace that we have adapted to in recent years. Patience and calmness have been greatly disturbed.
Paragraph on Agent
uzair1990Nowadays people get the driving license very easily through agents without actually giving a driving test. These agents take commissions from the test takers and have special arrangements with the people who issue the license.
Paragraph on Agenda
uzair1990The product manager outlined the agenda for the upcoming sprint that included a lot of tickets for the developers. They objected on the items but it was the need of the hour so the agenda remained the same.
Paragraph on Agency
uzair1990The agency I recruited for my master studies applications in the US were really professional. The consultant built my case exceptionally well considering I had a lower CGPA in my Bachelor’s. Overall, I am hugely thankful for the services they ...
Paragraph on Age
uzair1990Age is just a number for those people who really want to achieve their goals. Take an example of a 65-year-old who could not even bend his knees while offering prayer and he changed his life by adopting yoga exercises ...
Paragraph on Afterthought
uzair1990Afterthoughts are a crucial part of my life. Every time I have an argument or a discussion with someone, I think of a lot of things that I could have said but always at a later time. This has been ...
Paragraph on Aftershock
uzair1990Back in 2008, the massive earthquake rattled some villages of Balakot and other Northern areas to the core. People were terrified of the aftershocks and it shattered their hope of surviving after watching their dear ones dying.
Paragraph on Aftershave
uzair1990Aftershave lotion, as the name suggests, is applied to face after the shave to prevent infection from cuts or to reduce skin irritation. It mostly comes in liquid form, but sometimes it is in the form of a gel, paste ...
Paragraph on Afternoon
uzair1990Yesterday we had booked the tickets for Avengers Endgame for the afternoon show. Since the morning I could not find anything to pass the time faster since the excitement was at the peak. The afternoon seemed so so long.
Paragraph on Aftermath
uzair1990The aftermath of Thanos’s snap at the end of Avengers Infinity war left the heroes with guilt and suffering. Tony Stark took the defeat more heavily since Peter Parker was kind of a son-figure to him. Aftermath means the consequences ...
Paragraph on Affect
uzair1990The spoiling of the latest game of thrones episode affected the relationship of two friends severely. According to me, this was uncalled for since if such petty matters start to affect the friendships then we are in for a rough ...
Paragraph on Affair
uzair1990Affair describes an event or relationship that took place in the past. People refer to the affair during meetings or conversations. Affair is also referred to as a secret romantic relationship between two people.
Paragraph on Advice
uzair1990Advice means to assist someone through a matter. It helps the person to decide on something or present them with multiple options. The advice can be positive or negative depending upon the person’s relationship.
In many countries women no longer feel as though they have to get married. Some people are of the opinion that this is due to the fact that women are able to earn their own salaries and therefore do not need the financial stability that finding a husband can bring.
faryalNowadays, women are working in every field of life. This is fact that women are competing men in a smarter way. The marriage rate has been lesser in many countries, and some people believe that women are doing job and ...
The migration or people from rural communities to large developed cities is increasing in many developing countries. Why do you think this happens and what problems can this cause?
faryalCurrently, migration is the movement by the people from one place to another with the intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily in a new location. Nowadays, migration is rapidly increasing from rural to urban cities all over the world. As, ...
Many problems are created when large amounts of foreign workers are recruited from abroad to fill positions in a small local community, this should therefore be not allowed to happen. To what extent do you agree with this?
fizzatanveerThe advancement of science and its integration with technology has made world a global village. Therefore, this is need of time to benefit from skills that are found in other spheres of the world. This phenomenon is encouraging people to ...
Nowadays, children in some countries have less responsibility compared to children twenty years ago. Some people believe this is a positive change where as others think it is a negative change. What is your opinion?
faryalResponsibilities are things that you need to think about and have to do. So that few activities and your level of support make you more responsible, and responsibilities are some things that also support your community and the world. Children ...
The crime rate nowadays is lower than in the past because of the increased use of advanced technology which can prevent and solve crimes. Do you agree or disagree?
faryalTechnology is rapidly increasing in every field of life and facilitating the world in many ways. The world has been changed due to advancement in technology. Technology is also playing very imperative role to prevent crime or to catch criminals. ...
Violence in society increases when more violence is shown on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
faryalTelevision programs are playing extremely violent and inappropriate content, which have negatively impact our society. Many people believe that television is the major factor to show violence by programs and serials. I am strongly agreed; this might be an explanation ...
While some people believe prison is the best place for criminals others think that there are better ways to handle them. What is your opinion?
faryalNowadays, Crime rate is increasing over the world and criminals are using different types of innovative methods to do crimes. Some people believe that prison is the best place for holding criminals, while others contradict this idea and insist that ...
IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: Limiting air travel is most effective method of reducing air pollution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
waqas19No doubt, air travelling is one of the main cause of air pollution, but we are compelled to continue it on its current level. Though it’s not in our control, we can try it by implementing the following set of ...
IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: Some people believe that universities should make sport a compulsory module on all degree courses as rates of obesity are getting higher and higher.
waqas19Undeniably, obesity is now at its peak level. Recent studies show that obesity breaks down its annals. One of the main reason behind this, our sedentary routine life and there is no physical activity. Therefore, universities make sports compulsory to ...
IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: often parents encourage their children to get a part time job for evening and weekends. what are the advantage and disadvantages to children of doing so>
hassanmansoorThere are so many advantages of doing a part time job. children get experience from the job, as well as they can bear all their miscellaneous expenses. With part time job mostly children can support their families financially. on the ...
IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: what are the advantages and disadvantages of the increase in student number at university?
hassanmansoorIncrease in the number of the students in university shows the reputation and goodwill of the institute.More number of students can take admission in the institute, it becomes more famous in the society.on the other side it shows some bad ...
IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: These days learning foreign language is a waste of time as computer can translate quickly and accurately? to what extent do you agree or disagrre?
hassanmansooryes, i am agree with the statement. Because computers can translate quickly and accurately,learning foreign language is a wastage of time.The Best example, we have is google translate you can write or speak any word. you can easily translate all ...
IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: some people believe that universities should be make sport compulsory module on all degree courses as rates of obesity are getting higher and higher. to what extent to you agree?
hassanmansooryes, i am agree with the statement. sports is a good activity for the students. now days, obesity ratio increase day by day in the students. University makes sports compulsory in every module of degree courses. it can help students ...
IELTS Essay Writing Task 2: Advertising and promotion is the key to a profitable what extent do you agree?
hassanmansoorYes, i am agree with the statement. With the help of good advertisement, you can grow your business easily. Different types of promotion also help your business to become more profitable. we can see in the stores like “by one ...
skin whitening products should be banned from being sold as they have no place in a free and fair society.what extent do your agree with that statement?
hassanmansoorYes, i am agree with the statement that skin whitening products should be banned from the society, because they have no place in it. It is made up of different types of local chemicals,which is injurious for our skin. it ...
In certain countries there is an increasing trend for people gain employment.what advantages and disadvantages can come from this trend?
hassanmansoorIn certain countries there is an increasing trend for people to gain employment. It has some advantages. In online employment you can easily do your job,whether in your house or outside the house.Time can easily manage. Furthermore, your salary can ...
why do you think good teachers prefer not to work in rural areas in developing countries,and what could be done to solve this problem?
hassanmansoorMost of the good teachers can prefer not to work in rural areas of developing countries, because the facilities which are given by the government are less then the demand of the teachers. Teachers have to use their mind more ...
crimes rates in most countries are often higher in urban areas than in rural areas.what do you think are the reasons for this and what can be done to lower the crime rates?
hassanmansoorCrime Rates in urban areas are often higher than the urban areas, because people living in urban areas have more wealth then the people of rural area.I think reasons behind is the lack of education or unemployment . we can ...