Now a days, institutions imposed information on pupils.student has been seen an object where teacher must have to place the information.The student has no authority and cognition of any sort.His job is only to memorize or internalize information down’s the ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
More and more parents are allowing their children to play on computers and tablets as they think that children should learn technology skills. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
ehsanelahiUsage of computers and tablets is becoming very common in modern era due to rapid growth and development of technology. The ease of availability of modern devices to children is usually by parents. The advantages and and disadvantages of this ...
Air transport is increasingly used to export fruit and vegetables to countries where they cannot be grown or are out of season
humeranaveedAir transport is excessively used to transport agricultural crops to nations where they cannot be cultivated, or the season is unfavourable. It has got both advantages and disadvantages. This essay will first suggest that air transport of fruit and vegetables ...
Paragraph:Should middle school students be drug tested?
imran87According to my perspective, it depends on the regions and conditions in which the students are studying. If an institutions is situated near the red zone where the drug business has hype. Government must have to take serious actions in ...
Paragraph:Does your school hand out to many a’s?
imran87While studying in a prestigious institution,our school doesn’t hand out to many a’s because it may abate the status/rank of the school.Therefore it is unfair to give a’s to 80 percent of students without considering their abilities.
Paragraph:Should students be able to grade their teachers?
imran87Being a student, i must have to say that students as they are much younger and less expert from their teachers.Therefore I consider unfair that the students grade their teachers as they are not capable of doing such things.
Paragraph:Is cheating getting worse?
imran87I believe that cheating can exacerbate the situation whether you are a student, a leader or a businessman.Moreover it is also inappropriate to swindle someone to get the desire benefits.Being a student, let me elucidate a reason why the students ...
Paragraph:Should students be allowed to skip senior year of high school?
ramishSenior year at high school isn’t all about partying. Schools must not allow their students to skip it instead they must help their students in senior year by preparing them for this emotional transition. It can be spent really well ...
Paragraph:should the dropout age be raised?
ramishin most of the countries the drop out age of student is 18 years. i believe this age should not be raised because allowing the students of greater age sit in the class will make it difficult for them and ...
Paragraph:Do you think a longer school calendar is a good idea?
ramishA long school calendar might be a really bad idea for most of the students because students need break to learn more and not to worry about their school work all the time. However, short breaks can really help them ...
Paragraph:Is your school day too short?
ramishNo my school day is not short. our classes and school timings are decided according to the grades we are studying in. before the beginning of a new session our teachers spend too much time planning for our curriculum and ...
Paragraph on What is the right amount of group work in school?
ramishWorking individually or with a group are entirely two different experiences. Working in a group can prove to be really helpful because it makes you learn new things from different individuals’ point of views. However, it is not okay to ...
Paragraph on Are children of illegal immigrants entitled to a public education?
ramishNormally children of illegal immigrants are not entitled to public education in most of the countries. But i believe they should be provided this basic facility. A child should not be punished for the wrongful act of their parents by ...
Paragraph on Do apps helps you or just waste your time?
jawadkhalidIt depends on the nature of the application and the benefits associated with it that either it is useful or not. For instance, game applications are wastage of time because they have no real benefit. On the other hand if ...
Paragraph on Who should be able to see student’s records?
ramishStudent’s record is actually a parameter to access the student’s performance in an institute. i believe this be accessible to the teachers, HOD, Principle and parents. it enables the teachers to see the performance in other courses as well apart ...
Paragraph on Does gym help students perform better in all their classes?
ramishMost of the students end up cutting their physical education in order to save money. On the contrary, it is now accessed that it can actually help them learning and performing better in schools. Students who regularly go to the ...
Paragraph on What are you really learning at school?
ramishSchool is actually meant to be a place to educate and education includes everything from academic study to daily life manners. We actually learn academics, patience, teamwork, self control, manners and many other things that becomes a part of personality ...
Paragraph on How important is art’s education?
ramishArts is generally not considered as a vital component of education. However, it is highly needed to prepare students for the skill set of arts. The sense of pride students can get through their art products is really important to ...
Paragraph on Do schools provide students with enough opportunities to be creative?
ramishThe high dependence of students for high-stakes tests have endangered their creativity as they spend most of their time on google and internet for getting quick answers without feeling any need of thinking about them on their own. There is ...
Paragraph on Should we rethink how long students spend in high school?
ramishI think no, the time of high school duration is already been designed according to each specific curriculum. for a B.Sc engineer its important to lean more knowledge, spend more time in labs so its designed as a 4 years ...
Paragraph on Should school offer cash bonuses for good scores?
ramishSchools shouldn’t offer cash bonuses to their students, as the good grades they get is already the reward for them. If schools offer cash bonuses to their good students, it might take away their attention from the future. And they ...
Paragraph on Do you spend too much time preparing for standardized tests?
ramishStandardized tests are actually helpful in comparative analysis of ones knowledge to the other. so i believe these should be taken seriously and we should spend time preparing for them. I don’t spend too much time preparing for them because ...
Paragraph on What should the punishment be for acts of cyber bullying?
jawadkhalidIn my country, the punishment varies from 3 to 7 years along with a fine of 1 million to 5 million Rupees depending on the nature of the cyberbullying. I think, the current punishment is fine but what needs to ...
Paragraph on How well do you think standardized tests measure your abilities?
ramishWhether you love or hate standardized tests, they have become an important part of education today. There might be many demerits associated to them. But the way they have provided a valuable outlet to many students in order to make ...
Paragraph on How seriously should we take standardized tests?
ramishStandardized tests if don’t prove to be too helpful then they are not useless either. Having standardize tests actually helps to differentiate our level of learning and education from the other person. they are actually made to have a comparative ...
Paragraph on should reading math be taught in gym class too?
ramishReading of math in gym class can be a little difficult task but making students learn basic maths in gym class is possible. I believe education should be provided with different ways and teaching outside class/books is a creative way. ...
Paragraph on Should middle school students be drug tested?
ramishThe procedure of drug testing has been beneficial for many circumstances and now it should be moved into middle schools as well. There are a few states which have made it compulsory for participating in extra curricular activities. Although some ...
Paragraph on Is online learning as good as face to face learning?
jawadkhalidI think it varies according comfort level of person to person. Personally, I like traditional face to face learning as it is more interactive. Moreover, the options of cross questioning and real time solutions are important factors to prefer such ...
Paragraph on Does your school hand out too many A’s
ramishNO my school as opposed to many other schools doesn’t hand out too many A’s because they understand that being lenient in grading is actually misguiding their students and they will not be able to prosper in their practical lives. ...
Paragraph on Is cheating getting worse?
ramishAccording to a recent study, number of students who cheat during exams is increasing continuously. It is getting even worse with the passage of time. High achievers are equally likely to violate standards of academic integrity. In experts’ opinions, the ...
Paragraph on should students be able to grade their students?
ramishYes, students should definitely be able to grade the teachers because this helps to better understand the perspective of students and how much the teacher is able to deliver. For an institution the feedback about teachers is very important because ...
Paragraph on Does technology make us more alone?
jawadkhalidI vehemently agree to the statement that with the use of technology we have easy means of communication such as emails, and short text messages where face to face interaction is not mandatory. Thus, resulting in less social interaction and ...
Paragraph on Should students be able to grade their teachers?
jawadkhalidI think it would be a good initiative because it bring teachers under scrutiny for their performances. Furthermore, it helps keep them work with devotion to get better ratings from students.
Paragraph on Should reading and math be taught in gym class too?
waqas9I believe there are different places for different things. Reading and math should be taught in schools rather than in gym, as Gym is a place where we focuses on our fitness and health. So combining two things together will ...
Paragraph on How serious should we take standardized tests?
waqas9Standardized testing does not provide candidate to showcase his all capabilities and abilities. Standardized testing should only be beneficial if we testing any specialized set skill.
Paragraph on Should schools offer cash bonuses for good test scores?
waqas9I dont think so that schools should offer cash bonuses in results of good scores, rather than they should be offering scholarships, certifications and appreciation awards. As offering cash at such level will create greediness in them, whereas we need ...
Paragraph on Should we rethink how long student spend in high schools?
waqas9Students should only be spending a defined time in the high schools, we just need to focus on the quality of education we are giving. Is it worth or not? WE need to make schools interesting for kids where they ...
Paragraph on do you think a longer school calendar is a good idea?
waqas9For every class their is time line decided and only that time should be allowed to all students for learning and educating them selves. Having longer school calender will exhaust the students and they might get bored. So there should ...
Paragraph on Should the dropout age be raised
waqas9I think yes the dropout age should be raised as it will give a chance to the people who left education because of their financial issues or others. Lots of people want to study in the late years, which is ...
Paragraph on Should students be allowed to skip senior year of high school?
waqas9Education at every level is very important. So skipping a year will not give them any benefit. They should get themselves involved in studies and learn things and get them prepare themselves for college.
Paragraph on Should school be allowed to use corporal punishment ?
waqas9I dont think so that corporal punishments should be given. Makings kids understands through counselling is always a better way out. By hitting physically, we are agitating them to respond and they will never learn anything out of that.
Paragraph on How big a problem is bullying or cyber bullying in your school or community ?
waqas9I believe its a big problem now a days. Lots of other people get involved in the fight of two people and then circumstance has to be faced by many families out of no reason. So i think, if there ...
Paragraph on How should school addresses bullying ?
waqas9Bullying is never a good idea. It weakens the weak students confidence. Schools should be strict on this thing and should not allow any kind of bullying at any level. One should face a strong reaction is he/she found guilty ...
Paragraph on Should school put tracking devices in students id cards ?
waqas9Yes i think its a good idea of doing that. We can mark their attendance with that, we can actually monitor his movements as in which departments, classes he is moving too. is he properly attending the classes or he ...
Paragraph on What do you think of grouping students by ability in school ?
waqas9Its never a good idea placing all good students in one group and weak students in one.. It will shatter the confidence of the weak students and then they can never come out of that thing. So its always better ...
Paragraph on Should engineers pay less for college than English majors?
waqas9Different fields of education have different exposure and education. We cannot compare them all together. For every education, we have to pay a fee and it varies profession to profession. Its obvious that an Engineer is going to pay more ...
Paragraph on Do you support affirmative actions?
waqas9Yes, i strongly support affirmative actions as It increases diversity,It promotes moral commitment, It offers protection from hatred,It provides greater opportunities for underprivileged and It imposes reverse racism.
Paragraph on What criteria should be used in awarding scholarships for colleges?
waqas9Awarding scholarships are always tricky. So once should be clear that it is going to the right candidate. There are lots of factors that need to be considered like financial situations, past academic performances and achievements, candidate goals and missions ...
Paragraph on Should colleges use admissions criteria other than sat scores and grades?
waqas9Yes, students should not be judged on their SAT scores. We need to see his past performances and achievements he has got over the years. There are certain factors involved which may effect the SAT or other exams score. So ...
Paragraph on Is Porm worth it?
waqas9Its an important event that comes in the life of students, and its a life time experience. So spending a little much shouldn’t be a problem. Although some social norms are involved as well, but i think exceptions can be ...