Yes i believe that all should students should get an equal chance of participating. This will create confidence in the students and they will try o learn more and more stuff and try to achieve maximum out of it. Opportunities ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Paragraph on What are you really learning at school?
waqas9It depends upon lots of factors, as well as what subjects we are focusing on. Some schools focuses on character building, some works of personality grooming. Generally at school we learn/ educate the students the normal curriculum but we should ...
Paragraph on Does gym help students preform better in all their classes?
waqas9Yes, exercise will keep students active, fresh and healthy. This way he can be more focused towards his studies/ education and can perform better. Research shows that who actively participates in sports/ exercise performs much better than those who dont ...
Paragraph on What is the right amount of group work in school?
waqas9Working in groups or individually has its own benefits. But working in groups will lead to better understanding of ideas, workmanship and problem solving. By working in group you will learn how to help each other in difficult problems and ...
Paragraph on DEC 15 2018 Are children of illegal immigrants entitled to a public education?
waqas9Yes, everyone should be given an equal chance to succeed in life. And education is the only thing that should be open to everyone. There should not be any restrictions on getting it. An educated personnel will lead the society ...
Paragraph on Do we need a new way to teach math?
waqas9Well it depends upon the group of students we are teaching. Changes are always better if they are adapted in a proper way. Adding technology and systems to teach the subject will add more interest to the students.
Paragraph on Should students be able to grade their teachers?
waqas9Yes definitely, students should be given a chance to evaluate their teachers at every level. We have seen that in Universities and Colleges, students do evaluate their teachers. By doing this Institution comes to know their faculty strengths and flaws. ...
Paragraph on what do you think to grouping the students ability in school?
hmzainAt that place ought to be a balanced grouping between the class students for the sake of better learning of confidence and contentment.
Paragraph on Should school built tracking device in student ID Cards
hmzainYes, this is a good strategy to track student’s activities and location too for the sake of better security and discipline purpose.
Paragraph on How should schools address bullying?
hmzainIn my opinion to overcome bullying issues in a school we should educate our staff to do best reforms in this scenario and also take a help of CCTV system to make surety, that no one is doing a bullying.
Paragraph on Should engineers pay less for college than English majors?
wahabNo.Giving different rates for different field of studies is unfair. English majors are contributing equally as compared to engineers or doctors
Paragraph on What is the right amount of group work in school?
jawadkhalidBalance in every aspect of life is important. I believe group work assignment is equally important as individual assignment because it teaches the lesson of coordination and harmony among students. To my view, every second assignment should be group work ...
Paragraph on How necessary is college education?
wahabIts as important as high school education as college education prepare you for the real world. There are more employment opportunities of college graduates.
Paragraph on Do college ranking matters?
wahabIn real world it does. Employer have a bias in hiring individuals who came from reputed universities.Having a tag of reputed college/ university gives you a slight edge over others.
Paragraph on Does class size matters?
jawadkhalidI believe that class size do matters. Because the greater the number of students in a class the more difficult it is for teachers to address the issues individually. Thus, resulting in a lack of attention to students.
Paragraph on Do you support affirmative actions?
wahabyes i do. Supporting some one who is in a weak position and giving them a helping hand is the greatest thing one can do. You never know that little support provided by you proves to be enough to give ...
Paragraph on Does Gym help students perform better in all their classes?
jawadkhalidIt is universally accepted fact that a healthy body has a healthy mind. So, I agree to the fact that gym is important for students to gain physical fitness which is indirectly related to their mental health.
Paragraph on What criteria should be used in awarding scholarships for colleges?
wahabIt should depend on few factors. First of all student’s academic performance should be considered then his financial health to afford education should be considered as well.There are many other factors that should be considered before awarding the scholarship.
Paragraph on Should colleges use admissions criteria other than sat scores and grades?
wahabYes.It is not necessary that every student perform well in Sat exams and his future is decided on a single sat score.Consideration should also be given to his past record, his academic performance history. Admission should be given on marks ...
Paragraph on What are you really learning at school?
jawadkhalidNormally, at school, we learn the curriculum but ideally we should also learn extracurricular activities because those are equally imperative in building the character of a child.
Paragraph on Should all children be able to go to preschool?
wahabAll the children should be sent to preschool as it makes them familiar with the strange environment.
Paragraph on What do you think of grouping students by ability in schools?
jawadkhalidI disagree with the fact that students should be grouped by abilities in school because it will create a sense of inferiority among students who are either lacking some skills or do not have the required quality of skills. On ...
Paragraph on How important are the parent teacher conferences?
wahabIt is very important as both the parents and the teacher get feed back from each other on the areas which need attention. It bridges the communication gap between them and it create better understanding on what needs to be ...
Paragraph on What do you think of grouping students by ability in schools?
jawadkhalidI disagree with the fact that students should be grouped by abilities in school because it will create a sense of inferiority among students who are either lacking some skills or do not have the required quality of skills. On ...
Paragraph on Should the dropout age be raised?
salyhaFrom my perspective, dropout age shouldn’t be raised. As children learn more creativity in his regular age. This is also the responsibility of school to observe child’s activities and make sure that he/she on the right path.
Paragraph on Should schools be allowed to use corporal punishment?
jawadkhalidCorporal punishment should not be allowed in schools because it results in damaging the confidence of students as well as it brings ailments and injuries. Furthermore such injuries could result in permanent disabilities. On the contrary, there are better methods ...
Paragraph on Is prom worth it?
wahabProm is considered to be one of the most important event in a student’s life. But a lot of social issues are also involved with this event as well.Huge amount of money is being spent by students on this event ...
Paragraph on Should students be allowed to skip senior year of high school?
salyhaStudents shouldn’t allowed to skip senior year of his high school. Because it creat very difficulities in getting high score. They didn’t get point like as their other fellows. It may also cause of overall low percentage of class result.
Paragraph on Should all students get equal space in a year book?
wahabI think every student should get space in year book as it create confidence among them and they feel part of the school and the do not feel left alone.
Paragraph on Do class size matter?
wahabClass size does matter.When the class size is too big it is difficult for the teacher to focus on each and every student.
Paragraph on Do we need a new way to teach maths?
wahabInnovation and creativity is important in every aspect of life. Devising new ways of teaching math would be equally beneficial for the students as it will create more interest for the subject among them.
Paragraph on How does your school deal with students who misbehave?
jawadkhalidWhen I was young, in my school days, if someone misbehaved, he got punished. The punishment could be severe such as corporal punishment or simple one to leave the class depending on the intensity of the misbehavior.
Paragraph on What do you think of grouping students by ability in schools?
wahabI think it is a good idea of grouping students by abilities. This will allow the student to have a better understanding of its abilities and they can now focus on areas in which they are good.This will also allow ...
Paragraph on Should schools put tracking devices in student;s id cards?
wahabI do not think so. Tracking students movement may result in violation of privacy laws and schools may face legal repercussions.
Paragraph on How should schools address bullying?
wahabSchools should make strict rules to counter bullying.This includes keeping a close look at students involved in bullying and also creating special desk to handle complaints regarding bullying. Schools should follow a policy of zero tolerance regarding bullying issues.
Paragraph on Should schools put tracking devices in student id cards?
salyhaSchools should definitely put tracking devices in student id cards. Because they are responsible for students, when they were in school. For example, if student continuously bunk his class then teacher can easily track.
Paragraph on How seriously should we take standardized tests?
jawadkhalidStandardized tests should be taken seriously because they measure the individual’s relative ability in contrast to other participants on a fixed defined pattern. Also, such tests are normally universally accepted and helps evaluating students internationally. For Example, SAT, GRE tests ...
Paragraph on Should school be allowed to use corporal punishment?
salyhaFrom my point of view, corporal punishment should be prohibited in all schools. Because it directly hit psychology of students. It may also cause of physical disability.
Paragraph on How big a problem is bullying or cyber bullying in your school or community?
wahabThese days bullying has become a big problem for the students, teachers and schools. It has resulted in death of various students in the recent past. Schools should pass strict laws to counter bullying and students behavior should be strictly ...
Paragraph on Should schools be allowed be allowed to use corporal punishments
wahabCorporal punishment should not be allowed to schools in any way. There are other ways through which things can be managed.Various legislation have been passed in the recent past to which restricts the use of corporal punishment.
Paragraph on How does your school deals with students who misbehaves?
wahabUsually it depends upon the level of misbehavior.If it is of normal level then students are usually reprimanded and issue a warning letter.After three consecutive warnings student is dismissed from school.If the misbehavior is of serious level then parent of ...
Paragraph on Should all students get equal space in a yearbook?
jawadkhalidYearbook is a collection of memories of all students in a given year. It could consist of pictures, events coverage and articles. It is important to provide equal opportunity to all students to contribute in a yearbook. Unless, someone himself ...
Paragraph on Should students be allowed to skip senior year of high school?
wahabi think students should not be allowed to skip senior year of high school as it may completely change the mind set and focus of the student toward studies. There are chances that he may never come again to attend ...
Paragraph on should the drop out age be raised?
wahabStudies say that dropout age should be raised as students with early dropouts are more likely to get involved in illegal activities.Schools should put more effort in keeping the students interested in the schools.
Paragraph on Do you think a longer school calendar is a good idea?
wahabI don not think so as students tends to get exhausted with longer school calendar.During a calendar year school duration should be divided in two or three small parts as it happens in universities. There should be semester system even ...
Paragraph on How should schools address bullying?
salyhaTeachers should warn students if they found in bullying activities/inappropriate behavior. After warning if they again commit bullying activity, then techer should call their parents and inform/communicate all the situation.
Paragraph on Do you support affirmative action?
jawadkhalidAffirmative action brings equivalence among all sectors of society irrespective of race, gender, religion etc. Furthermore it addresses the underrepresented part of the society and provide them with equal opportunities.
Paragraph on How does your school deal with students who misbehave?
salyhaIn my school, when students show bad manners. Firstly, teacher educate him/her about manner with postive attitude. But when student do again same acts, then they punish that student strictly on misbehave attitude.
Paragraph on What criteria should be used in awarding scholarship for college?
salyhaScholarship criteria should be easily meetable by most of the students. If they get good score in previous academic records and good enough in research and other work. So, scholarship should be awarded those students. As the current situation of ...
Paragraph on Do college rankings matter?
salyhaYes, college ranking matter. It give us a clear view about college status/reputation. We can easily evaluate where we are going to get admission.