No. School timing starting from 8 a:m to 2 p:m is not short in any way.I think school duration should be cut short instead holidays duration should be reduced.
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Paragraph on is cheating getting worse?
waqas9No, cheating early days was too high. Most of the students were found carrying different materials. But now technology is being involved and now each and every individual is supposed to solve different papers so there is hardly any chance ...
Paragraph on What is the right amount of group work in school?
wahabWorking individually or in group has its own advantages. By working in groups you learn to help others, you believe in sharing. In short students should be prepared to work both individually and in groups so that they can learn ...
Paragraph on Should middle school students be drug tested?
waqas9I think drug test should not be done at such level, as in our Country drug awareness is not upto that level. But yes, drug test should be done at senior level.
Paragraph on Are children of illegal immigrants entitled to a public education?
wahabChildren of illegal immigrants should be allowed to have public education.Education is the only thing that can give them the chance to stand up and work towards a better life.Taking away this opportunity will only create more problems for them. ...
Paragraph on Does your School handout too many A’s?
waqas9No, i haven’t experience this thing at all. in our days, we really have to work hard to get good grades, whereas now education system in now more of a business, so Yes sometimes they do give grades without accessing ...
Paragraph on Does class size matter?
waqas9Yes, class sizes always matter. The shorter the strength would be, the teacher can spend more time on each and every individual in the class. Where the class sizes are big, most of the kids are neglected. Its better to ...
Paragraph on Who should be able to see student’s records?
wahabif we are talking about student’s personal record about his family, then access to record should be limited to relevant persons due to privacy issues. As far as his academic record is concerned it should be accessible to his teachers ...
Paragraph on Who should be able to see the students records?
waqas9Well, if the students records are subject to his personal information, then i would say that it should be kept secret. Whereas we can share his/her academic performances to everyone.
Paragraph on How does your school deals with kids who misbehave?
waqas9There are always two ways to deal with such kind of students. We have seen some schools where teachers/instructors beats the kids for their misconduct, but now a days there are schools where it is strictly prohibited to beat any ...
Paragraph on Do College ranking matters?
waqas9Yes, College ranking always matters. The students of the best institutes gets more chances to purse in the industry. Employers also targets top most ranked universities/ Colleges to get the best employee for their organisation.
Paragraph on Does gym help students preform better in all their classes?
wahabYes, regular exercise keeps a student active and healthy.His focus toward studies increases and he perform better in his studies. Studies have shown that students who actively participate in sports/games produce better results as compared to other students.
Paragraph on How seriously should we take standardised tests ?
iqra424We should take it seriously through these types of test we can enhance our abilities and groom our personality.
Paragraph on how necessary is the College Education?
waqas9Education always plays an important role in the life of a professional. Having College Education will help us understands out of the box and help us solve problems in a better way. An educated person can find multiple solutions of ...
Paragraph on How important are parent teacher conferences?
waqas9Yes its always important to have parents teacher conferences, as parents will be in picture what kids are actually learning at school. Moreover, parents can also explain the problems their kids are facing at home.
Paragraph on Should reading and math be taught in gym class too?
iqra424In my opinion gym is a fitness class we are attending these type of classes for our mental relaxation and improve fitness health. This place is not for any kind of educational activity.
Paragraph on Should all children be able to go to preschool?
waqas9Yes to my mind all children should go to preschool as it will help them learn things from the start. It will open their mind and will give them a chance to get grip over so many things. Moreover children ...
Paragraph on Should middle school students be drug tested?
iqra424Yes middle school students should be drug tested. When they throughout these type of tested parents and teachers get aware about student activities.
Paragraph on Does your school hand out too many a’s?
iqra424Honestly speaking I’m a average student I had not get to many a’s From my school but whenever I deserved a’s They gave me.
Paragraph on how well do you think standardized tests measure your abilities?
waqas9Well it depends upon the person to person. Few people have an opinion that standardized testing is the best way of screening out people, where as others think differently. To my mind Standardized test is the best way to judge ...
Paragraph on Should students be able to grade their teachers?
iqra424In my opinion student have no right to judge their teachers. When students get start judging their teacher they don’t get knowledge, if student notice that they are not clear their topic they should discuss it with their teachers rather ...
Paragraph on Do you spend too much time preparing for standardized tests?
waqas9Yes, this time its taking time to prepare myself for the standardized tests, as I have completed my education years ago. Coming back to the same habit takes time. Once i am back on the same educational track, things will ...
Paragraph on Do School Provides students with enough opportunities to be creative?
waqas9Yes, Schools nowadays have given students extra opportunities for pursuing their goals and ambitions. The type of syllabus which is being introduced now in the early years of education have definitely opened the minds of kids, and have given them ...
Paragraph on Should all children be able to go to preschool?
salyhaWell! From my opinion Preschool is best place for those children who has no elder siblings. Because elder brother/sister can teach at home easily. As some childs feel not happy when they start going to school, For becoming habitual of ...
Paragraph on Is your School Day too Short?
waqas9Previously, Schools were not involved in the extra curricular activities, for which the timings were too short. But now a days, schools have introduced more activities which requires more time. So kids normally today gets more time to spend in ...
Paragraph on Is cheating getting worse?
iqra424Yes cheating is getting worse. Now days students are use these type of ways because they don’t get their points about their subjects, here I’m not saying that teachers wouldn’t performed their duties well, in fact, I just want to ...
Paragraph on do college ranking matters?
farihaCollege Ranking tells us how much a college is competitive in it’s education methods & about it’s academic, somehow it matters in today’s world.I will establish my claim by giving some reasons. It assist to colleges to make positive ...
Paragraph on How important is Arts Education?
waqas9Education is arts is the main integral part of the development of each human body. Arts education refers to the education in the disciplines of Music, Dance, Theater and visual Arts. Having education in Arts makes us a complete human ...
Paragraph on How important are parent-teacher conferences?
salyhaParent-teacher conferences is very important for both parties. Parents should attend this session seriously because if they feel something unusual in child behavior, then they can easily talk with teacher. Similarly, if teacher find any laziness in child then teacher ...
Paragraph on Does class size matter?
salyhaWell! If we talk about class strength than if we have a large number of students then some students may be ignored or not get close attention by teacher. In the same way, if the number is student is less ...
Paragraph on Do we need a new way to teach math?
salyhaI think it depends on students. If the student not getting your point or make mistakes again and again, then you should try another way.
Paragraph on Should all students get equal space in a yearbook?
salyhaIn every high school all students should be treated equally. Discrimination always discourage every person. All students have equal rights. For example, if a student get admission in college, maybe he could not attend all college functions or he could ...
Paragraph on should all students get equal space in a yearbook ?
sheryari think that everyone should get equal space in their yearbook because no one student is better than the other.
Paragraph on Does class size matter ?
sheryarYes because if students are large in number then it’s impossible for any teacher to concerted on every student, so i think class size should be 20 or 25 .
Paragraph on Does class size matter ?
sheryarYes because if students are large in number then it’s impossible for any teacher to concerted on every student, so i think class size should be 20 or 25 .
Do we need new way to teach math ?
sheryarWell i don’t think so I think that it is fine we did not need to change any think.
What do you think of grouping students by ability in school ?
sheryarwell in my opinion that’s not good idea because when we group good and bad score students then bad score students lose their confident.
Should school put tracking devices in students id cards ?
sheryari think that is bad idea because in this way we are violating their privacy by wаtсhing them аll thе tіmе.
How should school addresses bullying ?
sheryarI think school administration deep look on those students who are bullying others and terminate them from school.
How big a problem is bullying or cyber bullying in your school or community ?
sheryarin my opinion bullying and cyber bullying in our school is a big problem because students get into fights and killed over bullying.
Should school be allowed to use corporal punishment ?
sheryarwell i don’t think so that corporal punishment work because every kid have their own mind set so its not work on every student and it lower down the confident of kids.
Do schools provide students with enough opportunities to be creative?
jawadkhalidI believe creativeness of a child or student is God gifted phenomena, however schools can provide them with opportunities to explore and identify their hidden strengths by introducing various extra curricular activities in school. Currently, I believe, the level of ...
How does your school deal with students who misbehave ?
sheryarwell in my school if any student misbehave he/she will be sent to principal office and some time principal suspend them.
Should students be allowed to skip senior year of high school?
sheryarin my opinion that students should not skip their senior year and use it as a sort of prep for college.
How big problem is bullying or cyberbulling un the comunity?
hmzainThis is the very big problem of our society that every superior want to bull his subordinates to do the things in which the superiors are interested by hook or by the crook, same relation of bullying is being honored ...
How important is arts education?
wahabVery important.This gives the opportunity to students to be creative,express themselves and think out of the box.Arts education should be encouraged in every school and legislation should be passed that compel schools to include arts in their curriculum.
What are you really learning at school?
wahabIt depends on lot of factors. There are some schools that focus on building personality traits among students, provide them the opportunities to excel in life also providing them the education that is required in real world.They focus on preparing ...
Does school provide students with enough opportunities to be creative?
wahabI think the answer is no. Schools are more focused on their courses and curricular. Students are not encouraged to involve in extra curricular activities.Also most of the schools do not have the art classes or other facilities which take ...
How does your school treat the students who misbehave ?
hmzainIn my school there are many ways to treat bad students who constantly try to cross the code of conduct limits. Firstly, they attempt to resolve these kind of issues own their own otherwise they will take some crucial steps ...
should stidents skip their senior year of the school?
hmzainI disagree, teenagers should be very focused about their future and think to select a sensible career path. Otherwise, they will fall in the competition.