it is my assertion that state college should must be free for in state residents because it is basic right for any in state resident. it is government responsibility to make sure that education is free for any in-state resident.Because ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
college athletes be paid for playing?
hassanameerAthletes are most important persons of any college because athletes should represent college at outside as well as inside in sports it should be necessary for any university or college that they make sure this point that their athletes ...
students should have to wear uniforms?
hassanameerit is my notion that students should wear uniform i all level of schools like elementary or high. there are multiple reasons to wear uniform at school level some of them are discussing here. firstly school uniform shows that the ...
Essay on should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools?
hassanameerit is my notion that, mobile phones should be allowed in all kind of schools. Because there are multiple benefits of having mobile phones while in class rooms or in any kind of school some of them are here, for ...
leesanIn order to understand what a Government is actually, one have to start with its definition. Government is a group of people who have the rights to run a state. In other words the selected people by the community of ...
leesanThe dictionary definition of physics is “the study of matter energy and the interaction between them”. It is a natural science based on experiments measurements and mathematical analysis with the purpose of find laws for everything around the world. Physics ...
leesanBiology: Biology is the field of study that involves the natural science and study of the lifeof different living organisms, including their physical structures, Chemical composition, function development and evolution. The term biology was first derived by the Greek. It ...
Being a celeberity -such as famous film star or sports personality- brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celeberity brings more benefits or more problems.
mehreen18Being the well known person in society brings both good and bad. In my view, it brings more advantages than disadvantages.The essay agrees with the opinion of fame bringing more advantages because an individual becomes a public figure and is ...
In some countries children have strict rules of behaviour, in other countries they are allowed to do almost anything them want. To what extent should children have to follow rules.
mehreen18Behaviours play an important role in any individual’s life. In some countries children are often forced to follow strict rules, on the other hand some people believe on letting the children be as free birds. Both the stated approaches have ...
Should students have to pass a basic skills test to graduate high school?
maham786Students should be required to pass a basic skills test to graduate high school. Because I firmly believe that a basic skills test would be the best way to make sure that all students are ready for jobs and college. ...
Should the voting age be lowered to thirteen?
ialifarhanWell thirteen years old children are unable to think properly for their own benefits. So how can a child think enough to vote for someone? Even though they are unable to understand what is meant by a politician. According to ...
Should students have to pass a basic skills test to graduate high school?
aminachaudaryYes, students should have to pass a basic skills test to graduate high school. First off, may be they were out of study and forget a lot of basics. Second off, they are far away from specified subject due to ...
Should illegal immigrants be allowed to get drivers licenses?
aminachaudaryIllegal immigrants are those people who enter illegally across a country’s border without documents and permission. Firstly, they have nothing to submit even for initial documentation; required for driving licenses. Secondly, in case of any accident or causality, on the ...
Should illegal immigrants be allowed to get drivers licenses?
aminachaudaryIllegal immigrants are those people who enter illegally across a country’s border without documents and permission. Firstly, they have nothing to submit even for initial documentation; required for driving licenses. Secondly, in case of any accident or causality, on the ...
Should all Americans citizens have to complete a year of community service?
aminachaudaryCommunity service is a kind of unpaid or volunteer work. It not only helps to improve to community level and also upgrade resume. It help any individual that how to work as single entity and in group of people. All ...
State colleges be free to attend for in-state residents?
aminachaudaryColleges Should be free to attend for in-state residents.As education is a basic right of every in-state residents whether he/she can afford or not.Its State duty is to provide equality of education to all in-state residential students for free of ...
should students’ grades in gym affect their grade point averages?
aminachaudaryGym is a place where you spent your free time to do exercise or to lose weight. It takes one to two hours to go and spend time in gym. A student consider as to give much time to study ...
Should students be required to take a foreign language course?
aminachaudaryFrom past decades till now, the importance of foreign language is worth mentioning. Keeping the importance of foreign language in mind the students should be required to take a foreign language course. It not only benefits the student in institute ...
Should the voting age be lowered to thirteen?
aminachaudaryAge under thirteen is full of fantasy and consider as immature level. Below this age a person hardly understand even the meaning of politics. So how could ones determine to vote? Ninety-Nine percent of people even fail to choose good ...
should students be paid for having good grades?
aminachaudaryStudents should not pay for having good grades. Institutional medals and certificates have worth. While paying grades made these medals and certificates useless. When a student get pay on the bases of good grades this results in greediness and demolish ...
Should students’ textbooks be replaced with notebook computers?
aminachaudaryTechnology not only changes digital media but also advance medium of learning, reading and writing. With the passage of time, techniques used for education varies. The importance of this fact that “Students’ textbooks should be replaced with notebook computers”, has ...
Pacans on should professional athletes have to take drug tests
aminachaudaryProfessional athletes have to take drug tests. Athletes are national representative. It is also to make sure that the participant of any game was not taking any kind of drug. If in any case the drug tests become positive. It ...
Should the death penalty be used to punish violent criminals
aminachaudaryA famous saying is “Death penalty gives birth to life”. With a passage of time this statement always reminds me its truthfulness. Death penalty should be used to punish violent criminals. One of the facts to decrease violent crime rates ...
should schools serve french-fries and fried potato products to students at lunch
aminachaudarySchools should serve french-fries and fried potato products to students at lunch. French-fries and fried potato products are healthy and build a healthy food eating habit in a student. In this way, the schools not only become independent in providing ...
should schools raise money by selling candy and sugary soft drinks to students
aminachaudarySchool is a place where student gain all type of knowledge. If a school itself selling anti-health products then what should you expect from students? Schools shouldn’t raise money by selling candy and sugary soft drinks to students. Candy and ...
Should students who fail their classes be retained and have to repeat the grade
aminachaudaryIt is a matter to discuss later that whether the students who fail their classes be retained or have to repeat the grade. First of all, it is necessary to investigate the cause factor of achieving low grades.Because there are ...
should students’ grades in gym affect their grade point averages?
maham786Students shouldn’t be measured with intelligence by the amount of miles they can run or the amount of sit ups they can do. To be put on the graded scale of their physical ability is absolutely wrong.
should schools serve french-fries and fried potato products to students at lunch?
maham786I believe yes school should serve french-fries and fried potato products at school kid will enjoy the food.Kids will be more healthy and will want school lunches even more.Students need a healthier lunch in order to maintain their energy for ...
should schools raise money by selling candy and sugary soft drinks to students?
maham786High school is full of class work, tests, friends,organization in which students are involved. According to my perception such items as candy and sodas should be allowed to be sold in school for fundraising. The money goes towards great causes. ...
Should cities offer free public Wi-Fi
aminachaudaryCities should provide their people public Wi-Fi. The trend of using cell phones by everyone is increasing day by day.If anyone want to shop, travel, weather checking, finding road routes and may more. Wi-Fi usage is mandatory. In my personal ...
Should a driving age be raised to twenty-one.
aminachaudaryIn any accident,the life of two entities concern the one who driving, the other who is on road or driving another vehicle.That may not only harm driver’s life but also target other. Driving is a serious matter, it rules and ...
Should athletes be paid for a playing.
aminachaudaryYes,athletes should be paid for aplaying.As pay not only increases there moral but also boost there interest in game.Some player play for enjoyments,Some play for being famous while other for passion but for all that every player like to be ...
Should students have to pass a basic skills test to graduate high school?
maham786I think they should have to pas a basic test to graduate from high school. I say yes. You need to know basic stuff from every single grade so you have more job options and teachers know who pays attention ...
Should students have to wear uniforms?
aminachaudaryUniform is a symbol of discipline and discipline is a baseline line of every students. Without uniform a student is just like as a tree without leaves. Wearing uniform always remind a student that he or she should punctual and ...
Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high school
aminachaudarycellphone is like a drug that with the passage of time students get addicted to.In my opinion, giving cell phones to students in elementary and high school leads them towards wastage of time as well as money.These gadgets will increase ...
Should students’ textbooks be replaced with notebook computers?
maham786I say no I believe that having text books is better than having note book computers and these are my reasons: The computers cost a lot,Think about the families who can’t afford to get their child a computer or the ...
should illegal immigrants be allowed to get drivers licenses?
maham786I think immigrants should be able to keep their driver’s license because they have been working hard to be able to live in this country. Plus they are discriminated against just because they are illegal and because they are not ...
should students be paid for having good grades?
maham786its big yes that students should be paid for having good grades. Because its big incentive to the those students who wants to learn more and can not be able to continue the study due to financial issues.In my point ...
should the driving age be raised to twenty-one
maham786The Reasons Why the Age Limit Should Be Raised to 21 for Full Driving Privileges The national driving age should be raised from 21 because it threatens not only our children but also other innocent people on the road.
should students be required to take a foreign language course?
maham786As per my contention or suggestion it should be compulsory for going abroad because it will be help full to the those person who wants to go abroad for the sake of earn money or the student who goes for ...
should all American citizens have to complete a year of community service?
maham786community service is a volunteering job for making an environment of community more clean and more healthy. I am agree that its responsibility of every human being to become the part of community by giving their back to the community ...