According to my prospective state Colleges should be free for higher education. Because in our society there are lots of person who wants to get higher education in state colleges but due to lack of financial circumstances they are not ...
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should state colleges be free to attend for in state residents?
According to my prospective state Colleges should be free for higher education.Because in our society there are lots of person who wants to get higher education in state colleges but due to lack of financial circumstances they are not able ...
Should College Athletes Be Paid?
maham786I strongly agree that athletes should be paid because they perform very important role in games which represent the college. Athletes bring money and fame for the college and the trainers who are already be paid by college. I want ...
Should students text books be Replaced by Notebooks Computers?
romanaStudents textbooks should be replaced by Notebook Computers. In my opinion its more convenient for the students to carry a notebook computer instead of So many text books for school.Today we are living in a digital world by using notebook ...
Should students have to wear uniforms?
maham786Students should wear uniform in school i am totally agree with this.because wearing uniform in school shows the school more professional.having uniform in school can increase the demand of students with good reputation. i think that uniform will help the ...
Should the voting age be lowered to thirteen?
maham786According to my contention its big no.Thirteen year age is not enough for take decision.because in this age kids are influence by their parents and parents can literally force them to vote certain way with no legal repercussions.if i saw ...
Should students be required to take a foreign language course?
ialifarhanWell! Firstly foreign language courses are those courses which are other than the national language. According to my opinion foreign language courses must be required for students to take and learn foreign language course for their own benefits. Because students ...
Should the voting age be lowered to thirteen?
izziShould voting age be lowered to thirteen? Its a big no for me. I do not agree with this suggestion. In this age kids do not know anything about politics.They are busy enjoying their childhood and more concentrating on their ...
Should students be required to take a foreign language course?
izziShould students required to take foreign language course? For that question I have pretty clear views.Its a no. Students should not be forced to learn and take foreign language course. to It should be optional not necessary for the kids.Students ...
Should state college be free for in –state residents?
ialifarhanFirstly in-state residents are those people or group of people who live in that state are called in-state residents. State colleges are those colleges that are inside of that same state. According to my opinion state college should be free ...
Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high school
saba6425The importance of cell phones goes beyond the ability to send and receive phone calls and text messages. So, if students of elementary and high school have cell phones it will help them more to do research work on topics ...
State colleges be free to attend for in-state residents?
izziState colleges be free to attend for in-state residents? Its a very debatable topic.People have mixed views on this topic. In my point of view its big yes for. State colleges be free to attend for in-state residents.The reason I ...
Should college athletes be paid for playing?
ialifarhanAthletes are people with their best abilities in their favourite sport/game. They are very important part of their college, because they are representing their college inside and outside the college also. According to my opinion college athletes should be paid ...
student be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high school
maham786who do not have a cell phone these days,it have been important part of our lives.many people think that cell phone should not permitted for school going students.they think that it can be distracted the student or it can be ...
Should students have to wear uniforms?
ialifarhanUniforms are unique identity of an institute. Uniform shows equality among students. Wearing uniforms also shows discipline and unity. According to my point of view students should have wear school uniform in school and college uniforms in their college life ...
Should college athletes be paid for playing?
izziAthletes are very important part of an institution. Because they are representing the institution on an higher level and also play an important role in building good reputation of the institution as well.There are mix views about giving stipend to ...
Should students have to wear uniforms?
izziIts very important for the students to wear uniform at school level. In my opinion students have to wear uniform in schools because it reduces the eliminates the factor of superior on the basis of expensive clothes. Because people who ...
Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high school?
ialifarhanWell according to my opinion students should not be allowed to have cell phone in their elementary and high school. because children are not aware enough of what is good or what is bad for them. Students uses their cell ...
Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high school?
ialifarhanWell according to my opinion students should not be allowed to have cell phone in their elementary and high school. because children are not aware enough of what is good or what is bad for them. Students uses their cell ...
Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools?
izziCell phones are the most useful invention of modern science and in no time cell phones has a great influence on human beings and their lives.I have a different views about allowing the cell phone during elementary or in high ...
When a country develops its technology the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive.
mianansabNowadays technological advances and their rapid and wide applications are having a significant impact on a natios traditional skills and ways of life. Some argue that such impact is so extraordinary that it would make conventional skills and life style ...
should alcohol manufacturers be allowed to advertise on television
sameer15Alcohol manufacturers should not be allowed to advertise on television because it leaves a bad impression the young kids moreover it also leaves a bad impression on the society. Alcohol is injurious to health so it should not be advertising ...
should teachers be allowed to having cell phones in classroom
sameer15The teachers should not be allowed to have cell phones in the classroom as it leaves bad impression on the students moreover using cell phones in the class room they can’t teach students in a much better way. Teachers are ...
should students or teachers receive money for scoring well on standardized tests
sameer15The students or teachers receive money for scoring well on standardized tests because it will encourage them to work with great passion moreover it will create a competition among students or teachers. This money will also them to bear their ...
should unhealthy fast food products be sold with a warning label
sameer15The unhealthy food products must be sold with a warning label because mostly people don’t have awareness what is good and what is bad for their health. Moreover, people used fast food products to follow their celebrities furthermore fast food ...
should professional athletes have to take drug tests
sameer15The professional athletes must undergo drug tests because they represent their country on international platforms it must be necessary that athletes must use their natural diet rather than taking drugs to boost their energy level also its unfair for the ...
should students learn about world religions in public school
sameer15The students must learn about world religions in public schools because it will give them the idea what is good and what is bad moreover it will also enhance their brains about world religions. It will also help them to ...
should the death penalty be used to punish violent criminals
sameer15The death penalty should be used to punish violent criminal because it will set an example for other peoples who want to perform violent criminal must think before they can involve in any sort of criminal activities. This will reduce ...
is it appropriate for students and teachers to be friends on Facebook
sameer15Well, the students and teachers must be friends on Facebook because it will help students to remain in contact with their teachers moreover they can also take help from their teachers using Facebook no matter where they are. Moreover, it ...
should students be allowed to eat during class
sameer15The students should not be allowed to eat in the class because it will ruin the environment of the class. Moreover, it will be very difficult for teacher to teach such class furthermore it will distract the attention of other ...
should sexual education be taught in public schools
sameer15The sexual education should not be taught in public schools because in schools, students are under the age of learning and they don’t have any idea how strong or dangerous thing could affect their life further-more it will also distract ...
should there be tougher federal restrictions for contents on the internet
sameer15There should be tougher federal restrictions for contents on the internet because one can easily be made amendments in the contents of other results in most of the material on the internet contains plagiarism that is not beneficial for the ...
should people have to get a license to become parents
sameer15The parents should have to get a license to become parents because of scarce resources. Population is increasing day by day but resources are scared. The people should have to limit their children rather than producing more and more children ...
should celebrities who break the law face stricter penalities
sameer15The celebrities who break the law must face stricter penalties because people used to follow their favorite celebrities moreover they wear, what their celebrities wear furthermore they eat, what their celebrities eat in addition to they want to do, what ...
should the city offer bike sharing program
sameer15The city must offer a bike sharing program because one cannot easily afford to buy a bike for their personal use because of scarce resources moreover bike sharing program made a strong communication among different peoples. It is also beneficial ...
should people be allowed to keep pit-bull dogs
sameer15The people must be allowed to keep pit-bull dogs because dogs are a symbol of loyalty to their owners furthermore pit-bull dogs are so beautiful people used to love them. In addition to pit-bull dogs are used for security purposes. ...
should teachers have to pass a basic skills test every ten years to renew their certification
sameer15The teachers must pass a basic skill test every ten years to renew their certification because technology is changing day by day also the course of education changes with the passage of time. So, the basic skills of teachers have ...
should people travelling in airplanes have to undergo intensive security screenings
sameer15The people travelling in air planes must undergo intensive security screenings because there is a lot of risk travelling in airplanes and even a minor fault in system will lead to terrific incidence. It’s the responsibility of airport management to ...
should government place a tax on junk food and fatty snacks
sameer15The government should place a tax on junk food and fatty snacks because these are not the necessary food of life and not anyone can easily afford the junk food and fatty snacks. These are refreshments of the lead class ...
should cities offer free public wifi
sameer15The cities should offer free public Wi-Fi because internet played a very important role in our daily lives. All the businesses and daily routine matters have been operated online furthermore it also provides facilities to those people who want to ...
should school offers fast food products like McDonalds or Taco Bell
sameer15The schools should not to offer fast food options like McDonald or Taco Bell because schools are platforms of education. Schools laid the foundation of the students. Most students are from different backgrounds if school offers fast food option there ...
should students be able to listen to MP3 player on head phones during class
sameer15The students should not to be able to listen MP3 players on headphones during class because it will ruin the environment in the class. If every student is using MP3 players on head phone during class then how they can ...
should music with curse words be allowed at school dances
sameer15The music with curse words should not to be allowed on school dances because it will create a bad impact on students mind also these students are under the period of learning so music with curse words should not to ...
should people who download music and movies illegally be punished
sameer15The people who download the music and movies should be punished because rules are rules and rules are for every matter regardless of the fact that you are downloading movies illegally or something else. When people download something illegally they ...
should the federal government recognize civil unions
sameer15Well the federal Government should recognize the civil unions. Civil unions offer equality to gays means that homosexual mating each other. A heterosexual couple gets married at the courthouse and entered civil union and enjoyed the rights of homosexual before ...
should immigration laws be reformed
sameer15The laws need to be changed to provide a pathway for citizenship strong border security and legal immigration to the US. Immigrants are willing to fill jobs that most of the Americans would not take part and to deport them ...
should teenage girls be allowed to get birth control without the permission of their parents
sameer15The teenage girls be allowed to get birth control without the permission of their parents. In fact, it is unethical and illegal for clinic and health care center workers to inform your parents even when you are at clinic. The ...
should boys and girls be in separate class
sameer15The boys and girls should not be in separate class because there is no problem in co-education. This will create a good environment in the class in addition to the competition among boys and girls also increases moreover their confidence ...
should teens be able to buy violent video games
sameer15The teens should not be allowed to buy violent video games because it will create a bad image on their brain also teens don’t have any idea what is good for them. Violent video games destroy the teenagers mind so ...
should girls be allowed to play on boys sports team
sameer15The girls should not be allowed to play on boys’ sports team because there is no competition of boys and girls. If you allow girls to play on boys’ sports team it will ruin the environment of sports team because ...