The school should serve french-fries and fried potato products to students at lunch because students daily need refreshment. After a long time of study, the students fed-up from study they need refreshment it’s the responsibility of school to provide or ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
should schools raise money by selling candy and sugary soft drinks to students
sameer15The schools should raise money by selling candy and sugary soft drinks to students because school have their have own expenses it is very difficult for school to bear those expenses. Well the alternative way for school to raise money ...
should students have to pass a basic skills test to graduate high school
sameer15The students must have to pass a basic skills test to graduate high school because when students are graduated they should start their practical life and support their families. If students studied till graduated level and they don’t have any ...
should students’ textbooks be replaced by notebook cmputers
sameer15The students’ textbooks must not to be replaced by notebook computers because textbooks have its own charms they can easily handle textbooks and reads whenever they want. Also, they found the original wordings in textbooks and textbooks also makes them ...
should illegal immigrants be allowed to get driver licenses
sameer15The illegal immigrants should not be allowed to get drivers licenses because it is not good for the welfare and prosperity of any country. The illegal immigrants should be deported back to their original country and also gave them punishment ...
should students be paid for having good grades
sameer15The students must be paid for having good grades because it will create a competition among students. Students are willing to create more and more grades not only for competition but also for the greed of money, this will also ...
should driving age be raised to twenty-one
sameer15The driving age should be raised to twenty-one because driving is a very difficult task and it also contains a lot of risk. When you drive a vehicle you and your family at risk and even a minor carelessness in ...
should the voting age be lowered to thirteen
sameer15Well in my opinion the voting age should not be lowered to thirteen because at this age peoples are unmatured and they don’t have any idea what is good and what is bad. Voting is a very difficult task because ...
should students be required to take a foreign language course
sameer15Students must be required to take a foreign language course because it will enhance their abilities to think in a much better way also if students understand the foreign language course they will easily interact with international students and exchange ...
should state colleges be free to attend for in-state residents
sameer15Well the state colleges should not to be free to attend for in-state residents because it will result in lack of merit. The students with low marks and high marks can sit together, it will be very difficult for teacher ...
should college athletes be paid for playing
sameer15Well college athletes must be paid for playing because they represent their college at each platform. Representing their college is not an easy task because it requires your hard work efforts including commitment, fitness, passion and true dedication to your ...
should students have to wear uniforms
sameer15According to my point of view the students must have to wear uniforms in schools and colleges because they are not matured enough to think what is good and what is bad for them. Secondly in schools and colleges students ...
Essay on should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools
sameer15Well according to my point of view the students should not allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high school because they are under the age of development. They don’t have any idea what is good for them and ...
Essay on should the voting age be lowered to thirteen?
umehabiVoting age is always been a crucial matter for a country or a city where referendum used to take place. The whole event takes place primarily for the peace of a country. There must be clear-cut phenomena that how the ...
Essay on should state colleges be free to attend for in-state residents
umehabiState colleges are paid by government and refer to the specific state. People living in that particular state are known as in-state residents. And those living out of that particular state or city are known as out-state residents. Every state ...
Essay on should students be required to take a foreign language course?
umehabiIt is argued that students who are either studying in high school or in middle schools must be offered an English language course. For, this course would be salutary for them in their professional life. Wonderfully, everyone knows the scope ...
Essay on should all American citizens have to complete a year of community service?
umehabiWhen someone performs an action for the benefit of other members living in his community is termed as community services. These services are of many ilk’s such as helping blind in crossing the road, old homes for elder people, socializing ...
should the government place a tax on junk food and fatty snacks?
arslan619I very strongly feel that government must place the high tax on junk food and fatty snacks. In this essay, I shall elaborate my viewpoint. It is well known that junk food and fatty snacks are not good for human ...
Essay on should students have to wear uniforms
sheikh7532Some secondry and high schools require their student to wear uniform,but in universityis and some colleges not prefer to wear uniform.schools encourage their student to wear uniform because they thought it is about discipline.But in colleges they thought uniform is ...
Essay on should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools?
sheikh7532By the developing of a nation cell necessary for every one.cell phone become a popular invention for all ages. When students have mobile phone they divert their mind from study.They do not pay attention on study and they have waste ...
should cities offer free public Wi-Fi?
arslan619I think we should all have Wi-Fi because you can use it for very important reasons. It would help everyone if we all had Wi-Fi. One reason we should have Wi-Fi is because if we don’t understand our homework we ...
should our country have a universal health care program?
arslan619Universal healthcare refers to any system of health care managed by the government. The healthcare system may cover different programs including government-run hospitals and health organizations and programs targeted at providing health care.This has made it the subject of a ...
should students be required to take a foreign language course?
arslan619It will be great for students. Learning a new language will help you get more money. You will also feel more connected to the different cultures. Learning a new language is fun. At least for me, but everybody is different. ...
should students have to wear uniforms?
bilal1995According to my point of view, students in the schools and colleges must wear the uniform as it clearly reflects the discipline and decorum of the institute which must be followed at every cost. Moreover it must be strictly checked ...
should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools?
bilal1995According to my point of view, students should be allowed to use the cell phones under the parental guidance and within the limits. As they are in the learning ages of their lives and they can be easily distract to ...
Topic: should students have to wear uniforms?
umehabiStudents should put on their uniforms while they are studying in their respective institutes such as in schools, colleges and in universities. Uniform is always a sign of discipline and oneness. All institutes have different sort and colors of uniforms ...
Topic: should college athletes be paid for playing?
umehabiAthlete is someone who is trained to compete in sports. A good athlete raises the dignity of a country or of that institute in which he/she is prepared. An athlete may be an expert in cycling and swimming furthermore he ...
should college athletes be paid for playing?
arslan619Millions of people watch sports every day. College Sports are very important to society and college players should not get paid. Growing up it is every athletes dream to make money playing the sport they love. That’s what professional sports ...
Should students have to wear uniforms?
arslan619Most schools across the world have established their own way of wearing. As for me, I support wearing of uniforms in schools for several reasons. School uniforms are the best way to create equality among students. Uniforms could also help ...
should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools?
arslan619It should be allowed to use cell phones in schools as if there is an emergency case parents can easily inform their children. Now day’s students have smart cell phones which can use APPS and they can also access internet ...
Should students have to wear uniform?
zia1412In some country, the majority of student wear school uniforms. Few school allows to students to wear casual clothes. I corroborate with this statement that students should have to wear uniforms. Because there are many benefits of wearing uniforms in ...
Students should be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high school?
zia1412Nowadays cell is very important in our life. Almost everyone has a cell phone. Mobile also has some positive and some negative effects. I corroborate that students should permit to have mobile in elementary and high school because mobile phone ...
In recent years, many small local shops have closed because customers travel to large shopping centers or malls to do their. Is this a positive or a negative development?
sidra52Presently, people want to do purchase branded goods, because they are well aware rather than past years, and they know about modern style of living, that’s why, most of the people go in big shopping malls. In these malls have ...
Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?
sidra52It is stated that various style of music can be found around the world, traditional and international music, both are famous nowadays, but I think that traditional music should be more valued than the modern music. Music can be used ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as human. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies doing trail on innocent animals.
zia1412Animals also have awareness and emotions equal pain as humans. We should stop all medical experiments on guiltless animals. I disagree with this statement because all medicine we use the first experiment on animals and human life is more important ...
Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as Sahara Deseret or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places.
sidra52It is true that tourist’s visits are increasing day by day in difficult areas. Nowadays, most of the people like to do some adventures; they prefer that they would spend their holidays in dangerous areas. For instance, Sahara desert and ...
important things in life are free and cannot be bought. do you agree or disagree??
sidra52It is argued that most of the important things are easily available and no need to purchase. In my opinion, a man’s in his life cannot survive without happiness and it can’t be brought anything. Firstly, human’s life contains vital ...
second essay on There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
drtauseefAge is thought to be associated with variable degree of efficacy and it is believed that it declines as the age progresses. That is why some people are of the opinion that young people must replace the advanced age people. ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
zia1412When we are younger we are strong we have the ability to achieve more. We are ready to face the challenges of life. We are powerful we do not try early, younger have the ability to work more than older. ...
Crime rate is proliferating these days.What are the causes of increased crime rate ? what solution would you propose.
iram786Hightened incidence of crimes and violent behaviors has becoming the major problem around the world . From Eastern Europe to central Asia crime rate got mark up. Threatening behavior and incidence of violence has becoming major obstacles in development of ...
anumParents are the blessing from ALLAH ALMIGHTY. Parents are the source of our life on earth. My parents always observe my studies and other activities. My father name is Muhammad Riaz he is a Govt. employee. My mother name is ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
aaizaEmotions are the basic entity of life. Without emotions, life has no meanings. Emotions bring forth the charm and beautify the life with various colours. Emotions are described with such a mental state where a person feels urge to express ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
aaizaEfficiency refers to one’s ability to achieve the given target in limited time with productive output. One’s efficiency can be measured by completion of tasks alongwith novelty of ideas and all the efforts made to get excellent results. Many factors ...
Friends are very important.To what extant do you agree or diosagree
usama555Friends are very important in life. Friend is like a demand.Friendship refers to the mutual relationship of affection trust cooperation and support between two or more individuals.A good friend is a consider true blessing of God.we all feel comfortable in ...
Nature’s Way Memo
tmIn the above memo written by the Vice President of Nature’s Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products, the VP recommends building NW’s new store in Plainsville. But I find the evidence, which the VP ...
The Favorite Book
usmanalibaigI love reading and books are my best friend. Book give me company when everyone are busy in the life. Different people like different kind of books. Some people like story books , some people like detective novels and other ...
To what extent do the media influence people’s social behaviour?
hira371In these fast growing days media play a very vital role in an individual’s life. Media is a source of communication and with the help of this people become well aware of the current issues that are happening in our ...
Favorite World Leader
usmanalibaigAs a Nation, We have lot of legendary and visionary leaders who had devoted their lives and happiness for prosperity of our beloved country. Among those impressive and visionary leaders , i would pick up Imran Khan as my favorite ...
Favorite Person in the World
usmanalibaigThere are lot of famous and inspirational person that i have met like Teachers, Software Engineers , Religious Scholar , Businessmen , Poets and Voice chanchlancer of university of Gujrat and university of Punjab. but i have not impressed by ...
Favorite TV Chanel
usmanalibaigTV is an important part and parcel of every household. TV is the best source of entertainment and education for everyone , cutting across the ethnic , creed , gender and age. There are lots of TV channel in my ...