I think friends are very important as well as obligatory in our life because we want some relation in our life that helps us in every occasion.i’m totally agreed with the statement. overall,i think friends are neccessary because of that ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Paragraph on parents
hira371Parents are such a great blessing from Allah Almighty. Parents are the guardian, caretaker and protector of child. I am lucky to have them in my life. They are an inspiration for me. They take good care of me. My ...
Happiness is considered very important in life Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?
danish87Happiness is difficult to define. The meaning of happiness changes from person to person. Happiness is important in life as everyone pursue it to its own level of satisfaction. People use different mean of ways to achieve or experience happiness. ...
Paragraph on grandfather
umer2002Grandfather is just the same like our father because they love us entirely in the same way as our on parents or in particular our father. So, that’s why its our moral duty to respect our grandfather and show them ...
Paragraph on father
umer2002Father and mother both are seamless relations, both have there own weight age and values. My father loves me passionately and unconditional. whenever i want something he never snub me and tries his utmost to fulfill it i still remember ...
Paragraph on mother
umer2002The relationship of mother is one of the greatest relation which exist in this universe and those who are blessed with mother should always feel very rich because there is no other treasure in the whole world which can make ...
Paragraph on sister
umer2002I think a house is incomplete where there is no sister. As the word sister describe the meaning my itself its the name of love and affection. Sisters have always been proved as a very sincere companion and a true ...
Paragraph on brother
umer2002Brother is the one who is always there to help us next to father. They provide us shelter and support whenever we are in need. I have three brother and we love each other and share our problem and try ...
some people get into debt by buying somethings which they dont need and cant afford
farihamost of times some people get into debt just for buying things which they even dont need and also cant afford.this happens because people usually dont get satisfy for what they have like if someone has old model car he ...
co education advantages and disadvantges discuss them in both views and give your own opinion.
danyal202Co-education means educating boys and girls in the same institution and in the same classrooms.people who are foreign qualified argues that this system of education is better for them to educate in the same institutions while other thinks that this ...
in some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
danyal202It is quite common these days for young people to have a break from studying after graduation. this trend is not obstruction for rich students who have money to travel but it is popular among poorer students who choose to ...
Paragraph on freedom
hira371Freedom is defined according to different aspects as well as different cultures and is varies from culture to culture. It is also defined as the ability to do what a person wants to do without affecting the rights of other ...
successful sports professionals can earn a graet deal more money than people in other important professions .some think this is fully jusitified while others think it is unfair.disscuss both vies and your opinion?
danyal202As a result of constant media attention,sport stars have become sport stars have become super stars and celebrities and whose which are on top paid huge salaries just like t.v stars and film stars.they live in huge banglows and having ...
In your opinion, should young people choose their profession, or should their parents choose for them?
danish87Parents choosing the profession of their children has always been a tradition but this tradition is changing in the world. I truly believe that young people should be given the power to choose his/her profession. Off course parents are more ...
Paragraph on jealousy
barshadJealousy is defined as bitter attitude. Many people experience in their daily life. It is of the type of negative emotions. Sometimes it really feels hurt when we take someone jealousy too serious. Most of the children’s get jealous of ...
Paragraph on parents
barshadParents are the blessing from God and I am lucky to have parents. They love me very much. I consider them the best teachers because they taught me how to speak, read and walk on my foot. Whenever I cannot ...
Essay on A food store in your country suddenly closed and caused great trouble
umer2002Food is the basic essential need of human being this is why we cannot survive without. Besides this people loves eating tasty and delicious food, therefore they keep on searching such stores or resautents where they could find a variety ...
Essay on A food store in your country suddenly closed and caused great trouble
umer2002Food is the basic essential need of human being this is why we can not survive with out. besides this people loves eating tasty and delicious food, therefore they keep on searching such stores or restaurants where they could find ...
Paragraph on grandmother
anwaarI had many friends in my childhood involving my parents or grandfather but here i am going to talk about my best friend and that was my grandmother.she was the only one person i get admired in my childhood for ...
Paragraph on grandfather
anwaarMy grandfather was a great man.he was another mother for me.whenever my mother was sick or tied he took care of me.he always tried to make me feel happy.whenever my father had no time for look after me he sat ...
Paragraph on father
anwaarMy father is my life.he is my role model.and he is the one of my favorite personalities.he is my favorite personality because he worked hard to archive his goals.and make him self a well stable man.he is my best friend.i ...
Essay on Parents
kamranzafarParents are one of the most important relationship in this world. They are the ones who are always there to help and guide their child. No other relationship can be of that strong bonding. Mother is a person who sacrifices ...
Essay on Act of selfishness that caused unhappiness
umer2002Selfishness the most devastating eveil in this world. There are so many people who are infected with this bad habbit and causing damage to the society and their near one’s as a whole. Undoubtely its very difficult to get out ...
Essay on Describe the activities of religious people in your country
umer2002I am from country named Pakistan, its an Islamic state where muslims are in majority whose religion is Islam. It was solely came into independance with a very solid foundation of Islamic values and that’s why the people of my ...
Eassy on Parents
umer2002Parents are one the most important relation that exists in this world, this relation is unparallel with the rest of all other relations whether the relationship of parents among animals or humenbeings. since the child open up his/her eyes in ...
Paragraph on A city i visited
ali686Last time i make up a plan with my family and we all decided to visit kaghan city.People usually say that this is a beautiful city and there is a place where usually fairy came,they visit that place once a ...
The proliferation of private cars on the roads in many parts of the world has led to serious problems of pollution and may contribute to global warming. Some people think that government should spend money for the development of public transportation systems in order to help alleviate this problem. Others think it is better to spend money for the development of electric and other types of cars that may cause less pollution.
danish87Pollution is big issue these days specially when it is global warming. We our self are responsible for this pollution as we are the ones that are causing it to happen. We drive cars which release harmful exhaust gases to ...
Paragraph on the relationship with my mother
anwaarMy mother is my life.i really love my mother more than anyone in the entire world.the relation of mother and of her children is the most beautiful relation of the world.if her children are in trouble she always help them ...
Paragraph on the relationship with my sister
anwaari think daughters and sisters are God gifted.And this precious gift awarded to me by God thanks Allah almighty for this gift.i love my sister much than my other family members and she as well.she is my best friend and ...
Paragraph on doritos
anwaarDoritos is my favourite snack food.i usally eat doritos while watching television or movies.i tried all falavours but ‘Nacho Cheese’ is my favorite falvour.and it is very different from other snacks because of its triangle shape .its taste is very ...
Paragraph on the relationship with my brother
anwaarMy brother is elder than me.i love my brother because whenever i was in trouble he helped my got me out of trouble.my brother is like my best friend i share my all problems with him.he always treat me like ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace old people.
sairaI agree with the statement that there is an age after which on’s efficiency decreases in older age. As workers are getting older with time they have low stamina of work and energy. They can’t learn new things with new ...
All children should study a foreign language in school, starting in the earliest grade.
danish87Learning new language is important for the communication, communication is the key for career and personal success. It is a very handy skill to have. I would strongly agree that learning foreign language is important, all children starting from primary ...
Because of the busy pace of modern life, many children spend most of their time indoors and have little esposure to the natural world
danish87As the life is moving towards fast, modern, busy and technically advance life is easy to live on and people are finding it difficult to make time for natural world. Children specially are spending more time indoor then getting invovled ...
Because of the busy pace of modern life, many children spend most of their time indoors and have little esposure to the natural world
danish87How important is it for Childen to learn to understand and appreciate nature? Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life.
kiranbaigThe trend of Branded products is more popular in some countries. Multinational companies making progress day by day in some lands. Due to this, Misuse of branded names is the most common cause of damaging quality of life. I believe, ...
In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment? Give reasons for your answer.
mahamfakhrAging is phenomena which not only weakens you physically but infact it first attacks the hinges of your mind and makes them rusty. The retiring age differs from organization to organization and country to country. It all depends on how ...
Deciding the size of one’s own family is a personal preference In your opinion should government intervene in the rights of the individual with regard to family planning?
mahamfakhrFamily is a second step towards building a community after marriage. This can be linked to a budding plant which later turns into a huge tree. Family planning is a huge notion among people nowadays. Ad agencies and pharmaceutical industries ...
Are Managers Powerful or Helpless?
issaI believe that managers are the most powerful component of the corporate system. The corporate world along with placing responsibility on a manager, entrust them with complete authority. The power the manager have is the functional authority. Organizations are basically ...
Women are always better parents than men. How far ypu agree with this? Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
mahamfakhrParenting is a very sensitive process it is just like walking on a hair strand. Most of the child’s personality is formed during the age of 3-5 and moulding a persona is a very fragile duty given to parents,let alone ...
different culture in pak
farihaevery country has its own culture as so we can see variety of cultures in Pakistan it is mixture of different cultures like Punjabi,Sindhi, Bloachi & Pashtuns although 97percent population in it is Muslims it is also having 3percent non ...
4.The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far overweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
mahamfakhrNuclear power is a process in which nuclear energy produces immense amount of heat which is produced to turn turbines for the production of electricity. Nuclear power is usually misinterpreted by commaners and usually taken in negative sense but the ...
Essay on Work
ayeshahabibThe meaning of the term ‘work’ is different for everyone. Many people consider work as a burden on their souls. Some call it an act of worshiping and some reflect it as a human need. For me, work is what ...
Essay on Government
ayeshahabibGovernment is a name, of a group of people with official authority to govern people and implement laws of constitution among citizens. Government has many forms present in our world. These are democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, theocracy, totalitarian, republic and anarchy. ...
Essay on Favorite Teacher
hamzaghaffarI am an introvert person. Due to which I less communicate with others but in my educational life I like my teacher. The name of my favorite teacher is Altaf Majeed, he is the principal of the college . As ...
Essay on Language
ayeshahabibAs a student of communication, I must say that language is the foremost element to have an effective communication. In simple words, communication is an act of transforming information from one place to another, through different mediums and expressions. And ...
Essay on Favorite book
hamzaghaffarI am very fond of reading books. Books are the best companion in any situation of your life. Whenever I am going to distant places I kept books along with me. There are different types of books. Some are fiction ...
Essay on Culture
noreenCulture is mankind’s primary adaptive mechanism. Different people have different cultures round the world. A person beliefs and morals are made up by culture and remain throughout his entire life. Culture is not about religion it’s also about the life ...
My Favorite Soccer player
chSoccer is one of the best game in present time. Only those who have good stamina can play this game. It requires a lot of practice and perfect body language. There are lot of good players in Soccer like Zidane, ...
Essay on Technology
ayeshahabibWith the passage of time, the word technology gets a massive part of our brain. Technology we can say “a way to make happenings (doings) easier”. When we talk about IT means Information Technology, even a child can easily get ...