People believe that dreams are just fiction and like to be pursued in the comic books or movies only but you know what?? Dreams are the focus of your potential. You dream about what you can achieve. Parents want their ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Favorite Town
usmanalibaigi will describe my favorite’s “Kotli Mughalan Town” in sialkot city . Population of this town is 3045 and the area is about 39000㎡. I will tell you 2 facts about “Mughal Town” , its history , bright aspect ...
ayeshahabibWeekend means differently for everyone; some take it as holiday; trip or travelling, have some fun or being errant but mostly people spent these days on pending works. From most of these people list my family is one, who think ...
Our Society, Our Responsibility
ayeshahabibEvery morning I have to catch up a bus to my university. And after a tiresome day, again I have to take a ride in Daewoo bus back to my home place. Like every day, I was sitting in the ...
My favorite Cricket player
chIn today’s world cricket is very famous game. almost every country has its own cricket team. ii also like cricket very much and also a good cricket player too. Shahid khan afridi is my favorite player He belongs to Pakistan ...
Essay on Favorite number
hamzaghaffarI loved the Mathematics from adolescence and in mathematics subject we played the calculation with different types of numbers but I like the number 9, I liked this number, I don’t know why I liked this number but one of ...
Favorite City
hamzaghaffarMy favorite city is Islamabad. One of the reasons to like it because it is the capital of Pakistan.It is a very beautiful city which is surrounded by hills. In this city a Faisal Mosque is also present, it is ...
Favorite Number
usmanalibaigWhen people are ask about their favorite most of people juice are 7, 3, 8 , 5 etc. but when this question come to me i always reveal to them that 12 is my favorite number. twelve 12 is my ...
Essay on Food and Diet
ayeshahabibSome people like to have savored food from all over the world, that’s what a food lover job is. Astonishingly that desire never ends and dies. To the food lovers, food meant everything to us and surprisingly it heals everything. ...
Essay on Media
ayeshahabibWhy we introduced a new term of “Journalism” in our lives??? The answer was, is and will be quite simple “To tell” but complicated while implementing. To tell at mass level or you can say let people know about the ...
Essay on Environment
ayeshahabibNature always inspires me; environment means our surrounding, animals, plants, all living or non-living things. The healthy environment is when natural cycle goes side by side without any disturbance. But we, human beings unaware of global pollution, do things wrong ...
Essay on Art
noreenArt is not an activity its ability of an artist to deliver his idea and thoughts .It is commonly believed that art plays fundamental role in society as it able artist to express their thoughts and culture in their work. ...
Essay on Art
noreenArt is not an activity its ability of an artist to deliver his idea and thoughts .It is commonly believed that art plays fundamental role in society as it able artist to express their thoughts and culture in their work. ...
Essay on Education
ayeshahabibEducation means you know what you are doing, you better spend your life time, and you build yourself from nothing to everything just through the lead of education. In my view, education is a solution to everything. From forehead to ...
Favorite City
usmanalibaigThere are lots of huge cities in my beloved country.Today i am going to tell you about favorite city. Lahore is my favorite city. it is a great city for four reason which are to live, education , work and ...
Favorite City
There are lots of huge cities in my beloved country.Today i am going to tell you about favorite city. Lahore is my favorite city. it is a great city for four reason which are to live, education , work and ...
Essay on Punishment
ayeshahabibPunishment is necessary to make other person realize that he/she done wrong. There are many types of punishment present in our society, i.e., ignorance, giving away a lot of writing stuff, smacking, scolding and the corporal punishment. The corporal punishment ...
Essay on business
noreenBusiness plays vital role in the development of economic of any country in the world. People can live their lives as they want and it can enhance the productivity of the countries. Different people do different business to signify the ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
mahamfakhrIn this fast pacing world, you have to have every hinge and bolt working efficiently in your machine to remain in the running. Otherwise there will definetly come a part when it will fall apart if you keep relying on ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceuticals companies from doing trials on innocent animals.
mahamfakhrAnimal right is a huge area which is under the piles of various other unresolved issues in our country. Even for the vets animals are mere objects of experimentation. Similarly pharmaceuticals and cosmetic industries are have joined hands in making ...
Essay on Crime
ayeshahabibCrime considers as a menace in society. We all are engaged in eradicating the crimes but forget to think about why crime exists in our society? There can be many factors that force a person to commit a crime, i.e., ...
Essay on Money
ayeshahabibThe existence of money is as old as the term ‘trade’. At the beginning, human beings developed ‘barter system’ to exchange desirable things. Later, the ‘pepper system’ introduced, and the concept of rich and poor measured by the amount of ...
Essay on Business
ayeshahabibIn Pakistan, the concept of entrepreneurship has been introduced in the current century. That is why, people are not much aware of the term ‘business’ here. Still quite an amount of people running their businesses, like textile industries or embroidery ...
Essay on Art
ayeshahabibArt is not just about particular course study or what we do at NCA, National College of Arts. But art is everywhere and present in everything. We just need an eye to see it, ear to hear it and mouth ...
Essay on Culture
ayeshahabibCulture is an identity of particular society as we know society is a wider concept than a state. State is limited in its territory but society and its’ culture are as wide as to a particular size of that human ...
Essay on Money
noreenMoney is as important as blood in our body. It is great invention of a men, as it is essential to live in this world. All of our daily needs depend on money, as in primitive society there were limited ...
Essay on crime
noreenCrime is serious issue in many countries now a days.As many people committing crimes specially youth.No one is by birth criminal they might me several reason behind that. The first reason is connected with parents as this is there indispensable ...
Favorite mall
arsamwaheedRiyadh, where I dwell, stands at the second most lucrative place for malls — Dubai stands at first. The best mall, in my opinion, is the Kingdom Center as it resides in the tallest building of Saudi Arabia which is ...
Favorite mall
noreenI had visited many malls in my life but the mall which impress me with its remarkable appearance is The Emporium Mall.It is established by Nishat group one of the best company in Pakistan.It consist of many international brands as ...
Favorite Channel
noreenI am introvert person not as such fond of television.But whenever i have spare time i used to watch Cartoon network.I memorized me my childhood time.I like to watch tom and Jerry cartoon mostly.In which tom always try to hurt ...
Favorite Country
noreenPakistan is my favorite country.It is my homeland.No doubt it is famous for numerous reasons but it also defame its reputation due to depravity.Pakistan is agricultural country and its different parts are surround by attractive scenery which fascinate tourists.It is ...
Favorite Number
noreenI like mostly 3 in number.It is my lucky number which i think, but many people disagree with this concept.Some people call this superstitious while some believe in that.Despite of that ,I like it because my number in siblings is ...
Favorite City
noreenLahore is my favorite City because i live here since my birth.It is famous for its food and culture.There are many distinct people having different culture lives in Lahore.It consist of many historical places which are not only admire for ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
mariamushtaqIt is against the ethical rules to use any living organism for such trails which threatening its life. Most of people agree with this statement because animals are living beings and they equally share this world with human beings. It ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
mariamushtaqAging is a considerable phenomenon in every field of life. It is a natural process in which a person experience different stages of age e.g. childhood, youth, adult age and old age. It will never ends till death. Efficiency increases ...
2. Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
areejranaAn animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm . Certain procedures are being performed in specific laboratories ...
1.There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
areejranaAccording to medical field , aging is not a myth but a sad truth. We, as living beings do age gradually till death disconnects us from the real world. Aging is a natural process which no living being can abstain ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
talhakhalidLife on earth ranges from unicellular organisms to complex multicellular beings. Animals and humans are examples of multicellular living beings. Human advancement in science and technology has affected the environment and animals. Planet earth is rich in different animal species. ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
talhakhalidIt is a general observation that young people can work more efficiently then older people. This is because when one is young his body and mind functions in optimal manner. Young people usually do not need to worry about any ...
3.Sex education in schools are only introducing conflicting ideas and confusion among the immature minds and should be immediately stopped. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
shoaib61956Sex education in schools. i think in schools children are learning and it’s the basic stage where they have to built up their future. they learn about the life before this have nothing. sex education in schools means learning about ...
2. Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
shoaib61956Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. Animals are also part of our life. also creator of Allah as we are. animals are faithful more than humans. some of these are directly connected to our daily use ...
2. Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
tahleelAll the technological advancements that humans have made, it is ultimately for their benefit and can be brought down to that one purpose. When the question of using animals for trials for pharmaceutical companies is concerned, it is comes down ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals.
mohsinmumtazAnimals are also the part of ecosystem that help to stable the environment by process of decomposition,perspiration etc.In the recent past,they are also used for research purpose that lead to different mutations in the genetic makeup of animals and cause ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
shoaib61956Age is just a number it doesn’t matter how older someone,s. From the topic it is clear that we are thinking out to replace younger people with older people. It is not easy to change someone with no reason just ...
1.There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
atifaliAccording to the statement, in my opinion, I do believe that there is a difference between old and young people work efficiency in the working field but younger people cannot make phenomenal efficiency in work without the old age people ...
1.There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
tahleelEfficiency, it could be said, is based on a person’s consistency in performance, the technical skill they bring to the table and the wisdom they exercise in the decision making process. It largely depends on the field of work to ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals.
usmanahmadEvery day around the globe animals fight for their survivor. They are chained, killed, poisoned and beaten by humans. To overcome this issue many organization are working globally for animals rights, specially the PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animal) ...
zenalwhile talking about age ,anyone can tell someones ability to do a certian work ,his entheusium his ideas his way of doing work ,if he knows his age. But this cant be true all the time,we cant deny a fact ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
usmanahmadA famous saying is “Health is a wealth”. We all know a healthy body keeps a healthy mind. Human health deceased with the passage of time and eventually they grow old. Most of the people work very hard when they ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
usmanahmadConcept of retirement