Nowadays, along the rapid development of economy, some students think that studying abroad brings many benefits, while others are of the opinion that they should finish university education in their mother land. It is quite natural that people from different ...
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Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals.
tayyabbuttAnimals are creation of ALLAH just like humans. They also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans and are the part of our society. Now a days human treat animals as there slaves though animals play a vital role ...
Women are always better parents than men. How far you agree with this
maoozasif8Father and mother (parents) are main two pillars in the life of children both have equal rights , no one comparison between these.Both help our children and make him a great Person . Woman is main part of our society ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
tayyabbuttThe efficiency is the quality of being efficient. Human life cycle starts from childhood where he play and learn then after a certain time he becomes young, energetic and feel the power to conquer any problem that will come on ...
The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far overweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree?
maoozasif8In this topic two points are discuss. One is Threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace , i am personally agree with it because now this time when every country want to attack on other country it is very important ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals
maoozasif8Human are the best creation of the world and All animals is very important for our environment, We get food and medicine from animals.Many animals do work for the human like dog for safety and Horse for riding , all ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
adeelaadi007Efficiency is simply means the ability of work hard and it is linked with performance as well.Age factor does effect on performance of a person.When a man become aged he can not perform as better as he could have performed ...
The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far overweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
rashidksaA nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions either fission or fusion. Nuclear weapons have been used twice in nuclear warfare, both times by the United States against Japan at Nagasaki and Hiroshima ...
Sex education in schools are only introducing conflicting ideas and confusion among the immature minds and should be immediately stopped. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
rashidksaIt has been debated severally at length that sex education should be barred in schools in all civilized societies. In my point of view, sex education is increasing instabilities in childish minds of children against opposite sexes. They became chaotic ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals. Give your opinion in no less than 250 words.
aghoseWith the advancements in medical pharmacology, and breakthrough discoveries in disease curing medicines, drug testing experiments on animals have increased in number. The FDA ( federal drug agency) entails for any new drug, to be launched, to be tested first.Researchers ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals. Give your opinion in no less than 250 words.
aghoseWith the advancements in medical pharmacology, and breakthrough discoveries in disease curing medicines, drug testing experiments on animals have increased in number. The FDA ( federal drug agency) entails for any new drug, to be launched, to be tested first.Researchers ...
There is an age after which ones efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
aghoseLabor class, in any country, constitutes the biggest of its population; among which approximately 55% are young, 30% children, and 25% old people. Labor includes all kinds of field work: Agriculture, Construction, Mining, Industries, Manufacturing, Etc. Work of this kind ...
There are many types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?
aghoseMusic is a form of art-the art of creating symphonies,and tunes.It comes in various styles: Jazz, Classical, Folklore, Pop, Rock, Opera, Instrumental, Etc. It’s native to a region,or a country. Music has been used as a mode of entertainment, and ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trials on innocent animals. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words
rashidksaAnimal is the beautiful of the creation of Allah Almighty who also created us. Allah has created animals for the convenience and support of humankind. There are several kind of animals which are facilitating people in numerous way. Some animals ...
Compare and contrast microscope and telescope
nazMicroscope and telescope are instruments use to magnify small objects. Microscope is use to magnify small objects with short distance. On the other hand telescope magnify relatively large objects whith large distance. Microscopes has one refractive lens whereas telescope has ...
Internet has made information so handy, but at the same time, it’s spoiling our children with all the adult content. Should children be kept away from internet?
saeedInternet is a new technology which provides a platform where you can facilitate yourself related to all kinds of information worldwide. For the use of this technology you should have various types of gadgets such as: Smart Phone, Computer, Tablet ...
Most criminals are set free once they finish their jail terms. Is the re-introduction of criminals in societies is justified? Place your views in no less than 250 words
abuzarKeys: Criminals Jail term Re-introduction of criminals Societies Justifiable or not Conclusion (agree/disagree) Essay: Criminals are those set of people that have committed a coerce act of violence that is deemed illegal in society and may advocate erroneous behaviour towards ...
Capital punishment is a brutal decision and should be abolished. Give your views in not less than 250 words if you agree or disgree with it
abuzarKeys: Capital Punishment Brutal Decision Abolish or not Conclusion (agree/disagree) Essay: Capital Punishment means killing of someone for some hubris act that is considered legal according to the law. Many states and countries these days have considered abolishing this hideous ...
Some authors believe that urbanisation is a ‘Modern Disease’. In not less than 250 words explain if you agree with this view and give your own opinion.
abuzarKey Words: Urbanisation,Modern disease, Conclusion (agree/disagree) Essay: Every state, village, town move towards urbanisation with the passage of time. It is the way in which old conventional methods after going through evolutionary process transformed into something more modern, industrious, economical, ...
In order to keep students more focused, the sports class should be stopped in high school
rida881Sports play an indispensable role in the development of personality. Sports mean a physical activity. It is a multidimensional category which include cricket, hockey, athletics etc. Schools offer various sports opportunities to their students.There are copious benefits which sports can ...
In many countries women no longer feel the need to get married. Some people believe that this is because women are able to earn their own income and therefore do not require the financial security that marriage can bring. To what extent do you agree?
asaduetMarriage is such a noble and pure process that not only bind two person but also develop a base of new relationship between two families. In many countries, Women are self independent and they are able to earn money their ...
Working and living abroad helps us to know other cultures well. How far you think working abroad has good or bad impacts on our cultural lives?
asaduetCulture represents the mind beliefs and life that one is living in his or her region. Many people are moving abroad either for their jobs or studies. Living abroad has some superior and inferior effects on our lives. I will ...
Some authors believe that urbanization is a ‘Modern Disease’. In not less than 250 words explain if you agree with this view and give your own opinion.
asifaUrbanization is a process of migration of people from rural areas to urban areas for better living. This phenomenon has become common refers to obtain facilities in order to make their life easy and comfortable. Urbanization offered good facilities, better ...
Should poor countries continue to receive International Aids
farhanwahlaPoor countries are those where citizen deprive of basic needs of life like food, shelter/residence, clean water, quality education etc.Developed countries help them with finance and their experience to change the fate of the people of those people by providing ...
Should poor countries continue to receive International Aids
farhanwahlaPoor countries are those where citizen deprive of basic needs of life like food, shelter/residence, clean water, quality education etc.Developed countries help them with finance and their experience to change the fate of the people of those people by providing ...
Smoking is a bad habit and should be abandoned completely world wide.
osamaUndoubtedly, smoking is an expensive habit and it should be banned.Although smokers claim that it helps them to relax and release stress, the negative aspects of the habit outweigh the positive.It is a health hazard for both smokers and non-smokers ...
should developing country pay more attention towards education or improving business standards.
rafiaEducation plays an important role in the development and progress of any country.pakistan is a developing country and in thisb regard education gains even more importance. The economy of a country mainly depends upon the able economists who formulate such ...
What do you think the government in your country should do to make your country more successful.
osamaWe all knew that the government guide its country to success.It is a tough task for the government to uplift the country from poverty,lessen the employment rate and boost its economy.Some people believe not only the government but the people ...
Capital punishment is a brutal decision and should be abolished??
farhanwahlaDeath penalty is usually referred to as capital punishment which is given to criminals in some countries who commit murder, terror activity, rape etc. However it’s banned in some countries because they consider it as a brutal and inhuman punishment.Before ...
increasing price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems
ali92The growing number of traffic and pollution has been a great challenge to our society and just by increasing cost of petrol and taking other measures might be helpful in future. First of all, pollution caused by increasing number of ...
some ppl think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society.others,however,believe that school is the place to learn this.discuss both views and give your opinion
ali92Teaching has been influential in society which reflects its results on growing number of children,whether it is provided by parents or school .It shows infrastructure of society. First of all, parents’s thinking determines the most,how can they teach their children ...
Some people believe that only pupils of similar interests should be given admissions in schools.Others are of the opinions that schools should be open to all children with varied interests.How far you agree or disagress with the above views.
asifa“Education for all”, this slogan means everybody has a right to get education from his/her desired institution. It depends upon one’s financial position, from where one is getting education. There are many controversial inssues on this topic. Many people beleive ...
Should poor countried continue to receive international aido.
rida881Poor countries are those countries that are unable to achieve their basic necessities.Essential requirnments are food,clothing and shelter.This trigon is given by Karl marks. If one looks over the map of the world,around 1/4 of the population is living under ...
Capital punishment is a brutal decision and should be abolished.Give your views.
asifaCapital punishment is known as death penalty,this punishment is given to those who commited grievous crimes like murder, terrorism and rape etc. Capital punishment has been an extremely controversial issue on legal, moral and ethical grounds. Before giving my opinion ...
Capital punishment is a brutal decision and should be abolished.Give your views.
rida881Capital punishment means, to verdict someone to death due to some grievous crime.The punishment varies according to the sort of crime.Like the punishment for looting is different from that of bribery, the case of land grabbing is different from extortion. ...
Some people believe that only pupils of similar interests should be given admissions in schools. Others are of the opinions that schools should be open to all children with varied interests. How far you agree or disagree with the above views. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words
abuzarThe term ‘interests’ have many examples, that an individual especially children would like to do in order to spend their time happily. Most of the elders or grown-ups want to develop any interest to have a relaxing moment in their ...
Money is the single motivational factor for success in any work field. How far you agree with this?
faryalNo one will disagree that money is one of the most important things in this world for human beings. Without it, it is quite impossible for us to survive because no matter what you need, you will have to pay ...
The only way to prevent overcrowding in cities is to prevent migration from rural areas. Give your opinion and views.
faryalToday overcrowding in metropolitan cities has become major issue of concern for governments across the world.Many studies are undergoing to find possible solutions to this problem.Some people think that ,preventing migration could be the only solution.But in my point of ...
The only way to prevent overcrowding in cities is to prevent migration from rural areas. Give your opinion and views.
faryalToday overcrowding in metropolitan cities has become major issue of concern for governments across the world.Many studies are undergoing to find possible solutions to this problem.Some people think that ,preventing migration could be the only solution.But in my point of ...
Smoking should be banned as it is injurious to health
rida881“Smoking is injurious to health”,this slogan is mostly inscribed on different places and packets.Smoking can be defined as,the inhalation of tobacco in order to pacify nerves.Smoking is the basic step which leads toward drug addiction,which is more inauspicious,as one can ...
Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but not poor alternatives to a natural environment. Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos.
faryalZoo is place where animals and birds lives with more attention and care, play a entertainer role for the people.zoos are very important for the animals because they protect and preserve a number of endanger species of animals and birds.Animals ...
Internet has made information so handy, but at the same time, its spoiling our children with all the adult content. Should children be kept away from internet ?
faryalInternet plays a vital role in our life.Internet provides us a lot of information related to every field of life.this is true that internet has made information so handy perhaps internet has many advantages in our life but at the ...
Some people believe that only pupils of similar interests should be given admissions in schools.Others are of the opinions that schools should be open to all children with varied interests.
mujtabaEducation is the fundamental right of a child provided by a state. Schooling is the way to educate the children in a society. In different countries certain trends are exercising for a student admission in the school. Some people believe ...
What rype of business do you want yo start and why?
asifaMany people think that starting a business is very mysterious process. They want to start a business but thry do not know they will have to face good and bad circumstances. There is always risks and fluctuations in business. So ...
Smoking is a bad habit and should be abandoned completely world wide. Give your views in not less than 250 words.
asifaHealt is a blessing and smoking is to play with health and life too. Smoking is just an adiction; moreover, it is the inhalation of tobacco. People addicted to this feel relax after taking it. It is extravagant and unneccessary ...
Smoking is a bad habit and should be abandoned completely world wide. Give your views in not less than 250 words.
asifaHealt is a blessing and smoking is to play with health and life too. Smoking is just an adiction; moreover, it is the inhalation of tobacco. People addicted to this feel relax after taking it. It is extravagant and unneccessary ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people
jawadasgharWhen we are young we are energetic we have the passion to achieve more. We have are ready to face the challenges of life. Most of us take risk. However with the passage of time things start getting old. Nothing ...
The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
faryalI strongly agree that The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people.I would like to explain about over here. It is say that “NO pain No Gain”.The Idea of going overseas for university ...
Are famous people treated unfairly by the media ? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives
jawadasgharMedia create hype. Media reflects people behavior and society norms. It always show what people want to see. Public always have interest in famous people lives. They wants to know the personal lives of actors, politicians and business owners. However ...
Some authors believe that urbanization is a ‘Modern Disease’. In not less than 250 words explain if you agree with this view and give your own opinion.
nawaz219Urban life is much more convenient reliable and luxurious as compared to village life.The life is less comfort in rural areas due to less availability of life resources like good education health facility and well reputed jobs.ON the other hand ...