Blood sports are the games of bloody fight between animals of same kind such as dogs or hens. Many people in different areas arrange such events on regular basis. Nowadays, the media is criticizing this practice and raising voice for ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Smoking is bad habit and should be adandoned completely world wide. Give your views in not less than 250 words.
kiranSmoking is injurious to health and should be banned across the globe. In my opinion, a smoker not only puts his own life on risk but also threats other people’s life, so it should be treated as crime and stopped ...
The modern technology is all making things easily available. Internet has provided us the easy dowloadable versions of most books we need. Can internet world replace the world of books and words ? Give your own views in not less than 250 words.
ahtashamTechnological advancement has been changing our routine life such as giving information you want to have about anything to buying things without leaving the place. When it comes to books, they are readily available on your gadgets all you need ...
What do you think the government in your contry should do to make your country more successful.
kiranThe government of a country plays crucial rule in its development. In my opinion, there are a number of different areas to improve and issues to be resolved but things need to be prioritized and addressed accordingly. A healthy, educated ...
An increasing number of people are using internet to meet new people and socialize. Some people think this has brought people closer while others believe people are becoming more isolated. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
kiranNowadays, due to ease of access and economical internet packages, a lot of people spend most of their time on internet. The social media sites have minimized distances and brought people closer that is having both positive and negative impacts ...
“Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well being of the societies and environment in which they operate. Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much as money as possible.” Write a response in which you should discuss which view is more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take.
vinaIt is common for some people to believe the corporations to be the part of our societies, so these have some responsibilities to promote the well-being of the societies and to protect the environment in which they operate. Supporters of ...
Issue Essay – Movies Galore
vinaWithout any analysis, the owner decided and claimed that there are two available options for reversing the decline in profits that are either raise the rental prices or reduce the operating expenses. These suggestions or methods for improving the profitability ...
Some parents grow their children in strict discipline while others leave them free to learn lessons of lives on their own. Which is one of these is a better approach and why? Give your own opinion in not less than 250 words.
ahtashamEvery parent has their own way to grow their children whether intruding in their life and teach them discipline or leave them alone to learn the lesson from the daily life experiences. Both viewpoints have their own merits and demerits, ...
Should poor countries continue to receive International Aids? Give your views in not less than 250 words
ahtashamPoor countries are those countries which are deprived of the basic necessities, they don’t have resources to make their country economically and socially better and ultimately the life of the people are to be worsened with every single passing day. ...
In order keep the students more focused, the sports classes should be stopped in High schools. You think this will be a right approach for a better generation?
priscillaSports play an important role in the school curriculum as they facilitate feelings of achievement and personal fulfillment among students. Many educational institutions provide students with the option to join their sports programs. Students often spend considerable time and effort ...
In order keep the students more focused, the sports classes should be stopped in High schools. You think this will be a right approach for a better generation?
priscillaSports play an important role in the school curriculum as they facilitate feelings of achievement and personal fulfillment among students. Many educational institutions provide students with the option to join their sports programs. Students often spend considerable time and effort ...
Computers can easily do all the basic and advanced calculations. Do you think your children should spend more time learning basic mathematics or advanced computer technology? Give your views in not less than 250 words.
ahtashamTechnological advancement has changed the way of doing things and make them simple for a human being. Several gadgets have been introduced in the market which makes the life of a human being effortless and the computer is one of ...
When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
jawadbuttIn this competitive world every country is considering technological innovations for the betterment of their citizens, those who believe in change have more strong economy and better lifestyle while others are focusing on traditional ways of doing work, I believe ...
If you were given to change, what all changes you would implement in this 21st century to make our world a better living place? Discuss few changes in not less than 250 words.
ahtashamTime has been changed and the majority of individuals want to make the world a peaceful place and want a good relationship among countries should be made. This could only be possible if some initiatives would be taken by the ...
Working and living abroad helps us to know other cultures well. How far you think working abroad has good or bad impacts on our cultural lives?
ahtashamThe first point I would like to make is that cultural values are essential for the people. They give high regards to their cultural values and don’t even think to violate them. These values are taught to children by their ...
Most criminals are set free once they finish their jail terms. Is the re-introduction of criminals in societies is justified? Place your views in no less than 250 words.
ahtashamCriminals are not the criminals by birth, but there are several different factors to make them offender. Necessity is this, we should identify the root causes and eradicate them which make the innocent people criminals. This day and age, this ...
Capital decision is a brutal decision and it should be abolished. Give you views in not less than 250 words if you agree or disagree with it.
ahtashamBefore reaching to the conclusion whether capital punishment should be taken out from the law or it should be intact in the law, we should discuss both viewpoints. In many countries across the world, capital punishment is an essential law ...
Some authors believe that urbanization is a ‘Modern Disease’. In not less than 250 words explain if you agree with this view and give your own opinion.
ahtashamUrbanization means the concentration of population in urban areas/cities and the expansion of cities. The numbers of people move into cities to get a job and it brings about the rise of a large town to serve and house the ...
Children are the impressions of their parents’ behavior. If a child behaves badly, his parents should be considered responsible and should be punished. How far do you agree with this?
usmandarIt is a scientifically proven fact that emotions and behavior of a child are greatly influenced by those of its parents. If parents tend to be extremist, children are often seen behaving in the same way. Calm and quite parents ...
The modern technology is making things easily available. Internet has provided us with the easily downloadable versions of most books we need. Can internet world replace the world of books and words? Give your own vies in not less than 250 words.
usmandarA famous philosopher says: Everything in this world comes to an end but Technology does not. It always keeps getting further and further. We live in an era in which everything is dependent on technology; one way or the other. ...
Some parents grow their children in strict discipline while others leave them free to learn lessons of their lives on their own. Which one of these is a better approach and why? Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
usmandarDiscipline plays an important role in making us accomplish our day to day targets. Be it a soldier, a lawyer, an engineer or a doctor, each one of them agrees that discipline has a pivotal role in their success. To ...
Should poor countries continue to receive international aids? Give your views in not less than 250 words.
usmandarOut of the 200 countries existing on Earth, more than half are considered to be poor. These are the countries who are not able to feed their citizens, provide them with healthcare, education and other necessities of life. Being poor, ...
Some people believe that only pupils of similar interests should be given admissions in schools. Others are of the opinions that schools should be open to all children with varied interests. How far you agree or disagree with the above views. Give your opinion in not less than 250 words.
ahtashamMany numbers of individuals have the opinion that admission in school should be given to those students who have similar interest. On the contrary, others think about the schools should be open to all the students, regardless of their similarity ...
More criminals are set free once they finish jail terms,is the re introduction of criminals in societies is justified
jawadbuttCriminality means any illegal practice, violating the human laws, damage to society and an act of being unethical behavioral approach,It is widely felt that it is unjustified with the societal norms and values to re introduce criminals after their jail ...
Modern appliances in the home have become more common, leaving no doubt that advances in technology have improved our lifestyle. Do you agree or disagree?
jawadbuttThe impact of innovation and inventions in technology has change our lives.I believe that almost every home has the facility of modern appliances in these days and it would be difficult to live without these appliances. Firstly,in past decade people ...
Women’s British Open Victory is first by a Thai at a major.
faisalIn Milton Keynes, England Ariya Jautanugarn a Thai national won her first major championship at the Women’s British Open. This was her first major championship win and her fourth L.P.G.A tour victory of the year. Ariya Jautanugarn who is just ...
faisalLast week U.S President Barack Obama announced sensible plans to the influx of migrants coming from Central America. One of the noteworthy is an expansion of a program, which lets children who are in danger in EL Salvador, Honduras and ...
Hamilton needs little help in winning 4th straight race.
faisalIn the German Grand Prix, Formula one in which there is radio communication between teams and drivers to guide them to win. But, in fact the winner of the race was the drive who required the least help from his ...
bashirA word “success” contains a lot of meanings in it; “hard working” is one of them. People do different works in their daily routine which surely required concentration .to do any work concentration with hard work is necessary. I believe ...
farmers in the third world country have to suffer alot. what are the reasons and solution to that.
balwantCountries are categorized in three forms developed, developing and under-developed. And those under-developed countries are called third world countries. Those third world countries mostly face population crisis, and this population crisis lead them to the energy crisis, the infrastructure crisis, ...
we should never make plans as they never workout
balwantPlanning is a procedure or a path which you define by yourself to reach a goal or to achieve success. Such as, if a child wants to become an engineer he plans to score better to a secure admission in ...
Are Celebrities’ Opinions Right?
priscillaCelebrities play an ever-increasing role in influencing the general public’s thinking, behavior and decisions. This is because they often have a huge fan following and this very characteristic enables them to have authority over what they say or do. Therefore, ...
Some parents grow their children in strict discipline while others leave them free to learn lessons of lives on their own. Which is one of these is a better approach and why?
priscillaIt is true that every child is raised differently. While some are of the view that children who grow under the watchful eye of their parents are obedient, learn more self-control and often achieve high grades, others believe that permissive ...
Modern Technology is transforming the way we work and is of benefits to our society.How far do you think our social lives influenced by modern technology.
jawadbuttScience plays an important role in transforming the technological advancement with the time moreover innovative,unique,and smart ideas are refined into realistic gadgets.I believe that with this advancement in technology the ways of doing work have been changed with the time ...
Decide the size of one,s own family is a personal preference.In your opinion should government intervene in the rights of the individual with regard to family planning?
jawadbuttWord “Family” is belongs to a group of people who live together and have blood relationships,moreover it is the blessing of Allah that we are living with our family in addition to this strong bonding with each other we share ...
We should never rely on opinions of celebrities. Do you agree or disagree.
balwantThe word “Celebrities” is basically adapted from word celebrated, and it points to a person who is famous for his abilities, character, or profession. In our country we count singers, actors, cricketers, politicians, and peoples, who have around hundreds of ...
Capital punishment is a brutal decision and should be abolished.
balwantThis statement “capital punishment is brutal decision and should be abolished.” Contradicts in many ways. In my opinion, this thing vary from case to case, from society to society and from country to country. The term Capital punishment is used ...
In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, when in other people can work until they are 65 or 70.until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment.
jawadbuttworkers are the backbone of every organization, they are having different tasks to perform for accomplishing the companies core objective, I believe that If the worker is young the outcome will be gradually increases with the time moreover if the ...
The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people.But while it may offer some advantages,it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in different culture.
jawadbuttIn this fast moving world, If you are unable to get higher education you cannot accomplish big goals, I believe that If anyone get a chance to study abroad he/she must avail this offer.Moreover there are many advantages of studying ...
Has the ease of cooking improve life
akinLife is reforming day by day, today we rely more on technology. It has made human beings to work out on things more efficiently similarly the ease of cooking has improved our life. I would agree the statement and would ...
Writing Task 1 : The chart show the main reason for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers.
talalThe charts illustrates the main purpose of student to obtain education for career or for interest at different stages of life with additional information about the support they receive from their employer. According to the data, maximum number of student ...
Are Parents Best Teachers
akinIn this era of emerging technology and intense use of social networking people may learn a lot of things but the question of interest is that parents are best teacher. In my opinion I will support the statement. Although our ...
Are Parents Best Teachers
akinThe essay is about the roe of parents in our life
Admission in School as per pupils interests
ahmedjaviedEducation is far more the most important aspect of one’s life. It liberates human mind and enhances one’s knowledge. In modern day education systems students are sent to an organized institution for fulfilling their education needs. Most of the schools ...
Admission in School as per pupils interests
ahmedjaviedSome people believe that only pupils of similar interests should be given admissions in schools.Others are of the opinions that schools should be open to all children with varied interests. How far you agree or disagree with the above views. ...
face to face communication is much better than other modes of communication. to what extent do you agree or disagree?
muneeb495We all seem to live and breathe social media. In the modern era there are different modes of communication. People think that face to face communication is too much time taking, so they prefer other communication means like using an ...
to achieve success we should work hard. agree or disagree?
muneeb495To achieve success we should work hard. Agree or disagree? A common adage is that you need to work harder and suffer more than anyone else if you want to achieve success. For me that’s half- truth because hard work ...