in this essay i have discussed that “is hard work is necessary to achieve success?”
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In order to save money, your principal is thinking about canceling all field trips for the remainder of the year. Write an essay persuading him or her to allow students to continue attending field trips. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
haadDear principal, due to recent activites and co-corriculars at school, rumours are being aired that the school is running short of funds. To add fuel to the fire, the recent announcements by the management related to the cancellation of all ...
Medical researchers, cosmetic companies, and others often perform experiments on animals. Many people feel that experimentation on animals is wrong and should be stopped immediately because animals do feel pain, and there are other alternatives. How do you feel? State your position and explain your reasons.
haadSince ancient times, animals have been used as subjects of experimentation in medicine and surgery. Medical sciences have evolved with time due to the advent of new and better medicines and doctors today can claim to cure more diseases than ...
According to some people, elderly drivers should be required to reapply for their driving licenses because with age comes diminished vision, hearing, and reaction time. How do you feel about this issue? Explain what you think should be done and why.
haadDriving licence is usually issued to a person when he/she is considered capable of driving according to the set standards, and have passed certain tests that prove the claim. However, at some places, this licence is issued on a lifetime ...
Many people believe that television violence has a negative effect on society because it promotes violence. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
haadTelevisions had a major impact on our society since the time they had been developed. Electronic media had been somehow able to affect our thinking, our mentality and our perspective of viewing things. Awareness has been created among many groups ...
Many people believe that television violence has a negative effect on society because it promotes violence. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
haadTelevisions had a major impact on our society since the time they had been developed. Electronic media had been somehow able to affect our thinking, our mentality and our perspective of viewing things. Awareness has been created among many groups ...
My Favorite Country
atif101Every person likes loves and petriots his country .I also love my country Paksitan .But i have a dream . I want go to Australia . Australia is my favorite country . I like Australia due to it,s environment . ...
My Favourite Teacher
atif101My favourite teacher is Mr, Ahmad Din .He live in kasur . He thought me in Matric . He is the teacher of Mathmatics He has great personalty .He is senior teachr in schook . He also hundale a welfare ...
My Favourite Car
atif101Every person have a dream to get his favourite car. i also have a dream . My favourite dream car is Lamborghini. There are many cars available in automobile market . Every car has different shap and features . But ...
Describe how to be a good citizen.
atif101He take pride in where he live and try to make it a better place.Get a good education.When he is well educated, he can get better jobs and contribute more to the economy. He can also be better informed and ...
Describe your favorite game. Explain why it is your favorite.
atif101My favorite game is Asphalt 8 Airborne. Asphalt 8 is a racing video game develop and publish by Game loft. It was released on August 2013. I like this game because when i play. i feel , i am driving ...
My School
atif101My School Name is Government Model High School.It Is Situated M.A Jinah Road.A big ground Is available for sports in my school.The View of my school is very beautiful.This School is highest school in kasur city.Its area is around 30 ...
Favorite Garden
ayanMy favorite garden is racecourse.This my best place to go fresh and relax.I shall go to the garden in festivals.I ware go to the garden feeling relax.Because the nature is to good for any person i ware inhale the air ...
Favorite Teacher
ayanMy Favorite teacher is sir asif this is my maths teacher this person is very polite and good person.He teach very well.this very experience able person.the method of study is too good.I am understand all the steps certainly.He is a ...
Favorite ice-cream flavor
ayanMy favorite ice-cream flavor is Mango.Because mango is my childhood favorite flavor.Mangoes available in summer seasons but juices are available in every season summer season are very hot i am drinking every time mango juice.Mango flavor is too good to ...
Favorite Language
ayanMy favorite language is English.Because English language is use in all over world.I try to speak good English but some time i ware losing my language But i try again and again English language is too good and easy but ...
Favorite Mall
ayanMy favorite mall is hyper-stare in fortress stadium this mall is very beautiful.Any thing available in mall.Any type of Food which you need and vegetables,musics instruments,Mobiles,Accessories,Clothes.All types of sports items are available in mall.peoples easily take all the items which ...
Favorite Color
ayanMy favorite color is white Because white color is show a good personality White color is most prominent color All the Muslims dose wear a whit ihram in duration of hajj.Many fields in use white color doctors wear white color ...
favorite poet
ijazpoet is a person who creates romantic sensation or open the wounds of his lonesomeness.But some poets are nature loving who highly impress by the creations of God.we all know about some western poets like william wordsworth,william shakespear and Emmi ...
Favorite country
sidra773By far the most memorable thing was travelling to London.i had never been to London before and always wanted to. Even now,when I think of that, I feel nostalgic. I was there for about three months. What makes this country ...
favorite colour
ijazAlways colour reflects the personality of aperson and mostly people try to wear the dress according to their nautre.sametime different colours indicate about different professions.the examples r doctors wear the white gown,lawyers wear black gown,nurses wear white dress and in ...
favorite number
ijazToday the concept of a particular number for a particular person has well developed.some people adopt a number or digit due to a pleasant inncident happened in their life but mostly select their favorite number according to their stars.Best examples ...
favorite song
ijazthere are different types of music in the world like pop music,classical music,folk music and fast music.In pkaistan particlurly folk and classical music is very prominant.Obvously i m fond of music.i like the music which should b calm and relaxing.i ...
my favorite person in the world
ijazEvery person in the world wants to live an ideal life and this idealistic approach leads them to follow the life style of successful personalties.there are many people to whom i know are living a successful life.But instead of these ...
my favorite city
ijazThere are many cities around the world which are symbols of beauty and prosperity but above all of that,I consider the Islamabad is my favorit city.ISlamabad is capital of pakistan and included in the newly constructed cities of the ...
My Favourite Car
taimoorIn this modern era ,there are many brands cars in the whole market of automobile with latest cuts ,shape and technology.I’m mostly like super cars or you can say like sports cars in which the top brands super cars are ...
My favourite language
umercheemaMy native language is Urdu, but my favorite language is English. I have been learning English since my childhood. English is also the official language of my country and most people in my country have a passion of learning this ...
My favourite leisure activity
umercheemaWhat do I do in spare time? Well there’s lots of different things I could tell you about – I’m a pretty active person and I like to keep myself busy so even when I’m not working I’m always doing ...
My favourite actor
umercheemaBrad Pitt is one of my very favourite actors and I am a huge fan of his movies. He is a famous Hollywood actor and has got several prizes for his superb work in movies. Honestly he is a good ...
My favourite book
umercheemaReading is the exercise of mind mostly done with books. A book is a volume of many sheets of paper bounded together, containing text, illustrations, photographs, or other kind of information. I have read many books but the Holy Quran ...
My favourite person
umercheemaHistory is riddled with figured who have gone to great lengths to do the things they believed in. However, there have been very few historical figures who have actually done what was beat for their nation and the world in ...
My favourite channel
umercheemaI do not watch TV that much but it is a great electronic media for education and entertainment. Sometimes I watch TV, mostly in my free time and among the channels I watch, ‘Discovery Channel’ is my most favorite. Whenever ...
My favourite country
umercheemawer: The country that I have always wanted to go but have not visited yet is Italy. I’ve been dreaming to visit Italy for more than 2-3 years. I’ll definitely visit the country as soon as I get free time. ...
My favourite town
umercheemaMy favorite town is Adan town.This is a small town about 34 kilometres from my native city Sialkot.I like this town because there is a lot of entertainment in the town.The town has small Safari Park and it has mind ...
Favourite number
umercheemaYes, there are some numbers, which are very important for me. One of them is my birthday at 28-06-88. It is interesting to say that my cousin is also born on the same date one year later . Another memorial ...
My favourite city
umercheemaMy city is very beautiful city. It has many different social and other activities which most people may enjoy with. Also theres a lot of different kind of restaurants where people can enjoy their dinner, lunch, breakfast. I am going ...
Paragraph on working hard
Pacans OnlineWorking hard cannot ensure success, but it can make a person feel contented about himself or herself. If hard work is coupled with acumen we could achieve our desirable outcomes. Some people contemplate that we are playing in the hands ...
Paragraph on lazy people
Pacans OnlineThere are people who procrastinate and leave everything for the next day. They are normally rebuked or insulted for their lethargic attitude, but they are adamant on staying the way they are. Some people even support the contention that being ...
In many countries,citizens are required to serve in the military for a year or more.Do you believe theat United States should institue a similar practice.why pr why not?
khadija1990As far as participation of citizens in army is concerned, it should be practised but should not be necessary for each citizen.However if millitary personnel have responsibilities other than defence at the borders, other citizens should also contribute.For example during ...
To what extent do the media influence people’s social behaviour?
anusheIn the modern industrial societies, media plays an important role in a person’s life. Media is a source of information for people e.g: newspapers and news channels, by which people create their point of view, effecting their social behaviour. Usually ...
To what extent is advertising creating a global culture?
anusheAdvertising is a process of making advertisements for commercial goods and services. There are two types of advertising; informative and persuasive. In informative advertising, providing information about the good or service is the promotional scheme. However, in persuasive advertising different ...
If someone discovered a formula that would enable us to live forever .would that be a blessing or a curse?
khadija1990Though discoveing a formula for eternal life would be a miracle but it would not have good outcomes.Because its action would only be to prolog the life quantity but not to improve its quality.As the life goes on and the ...
Good habits improve our physical, emotional and/or financial health.Select one of your good habits and write an essay persuading readers to make that habit a part of their lives
khadija1990Good habits always have good impact on someone’s wellbeing.It may be physical, mental or financial health.I have many good habits like to do breakfast in time, do a walk or an exercise and go to bed early at night.All these ...
negative impact of television violence
khadija1990Everthing we see has an impact on our minds.And we start copying what we have seen or happening in our surroundings.On this principle,schools and universities are run to teach the discipline to society.Similarly we observe that children have more tendency ...
To what extent does nurture effect human behaviour?
anusheIn sociology nurture is the social and psychological development of a person because of the his/her experiences and the environment he/she lives in. While nature is the social and psychological development of a person by his/ her genetics and innate ...
How Can People Resist the Power of Oligarchical Leadership?
anusheOligarchy is a form of power structure in which a group of people usually the elite have the control over the country. In an oligarchical leadership, the rate of people living under the poverty line increases rapidly. Social class differences ...
To what extent are social class differences disappearing in modern industrial societies?
anusheIn the modern industrial societies, peoples’ lifestyles have changed, so have their living standards. Along this, the levels of education have also increased by which people have known how the class differences have negatively effected the society. However, no society ...