Both, sociology and biological factors have had contradictory view for several years. Biological factors are the effects of the anatomy of people on their behaviour and actions in a society. However, sociology explains that different social activities, cultures, norms and ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Advantages and Disadvantages of Pre-coded Questions,
anushePre-coded questions are a type of questionnaires, in which respondent answers are given from which the answer must be chosen. This types of questions are quick and easy to analyse. However, such questionnaires aren’t 100% accurate.
Types Of Sampling in Sociological Research.
anusheIn sociological research, sampling is a process of selecting units(people or organisations) from a population of interest to study it in order to come up with fairly generalised results. There are different types of sampling; random, quota and systematic sampling ...
Advantages and Limitations Of Using Unstructured Interviews In Sociological Research
anusheInterviews are a form of primary research. Interviews can be structured or unstructured. In structured interviews, the interviewer prepares a set amount of structured questions. However, in an unstructured interview, the interviewer has prepared a few structured questions, but depends ...
Describe how different modren life would be without phones
sidra11Today life cannot be imagined without this modren mode of communication.Man will be driven back into 5th cantury when kites were flown to deliver an urgent message.
Describe how and why people choose particular foods they eat
sidra11In this era when life span has decreased people are becoming aware of health issues. They select their food menu according to balanced diet plan. Some people also choose food according to their taste how much their pocket allows them.
Many students complain about having to learn history .. Why do we need knowledge of past? Write an essat convincing skeptics that learning past is important..
sidra11A bond that firmly connects present and future with past is the data that comes under subject of history. Like we will not know what efforts and sacrifices were made to win our homeland Pakistan if we’ll not study history ...
Discuss the themes of two fairy tales that u know.. Tell how these themes benefit young children
sidra11Fairy tales that attract children are numerous but they should given a chance to watch something productive like tinker bell and snow white . Children will observe tinkering and will be adventrous. They will love nature and its beauties after ...
Thomas edison the renowned inventor is famous for having said “genius is one percent inspiration , ninety nine percent perspiration….
sidra11A man is moulded to be a masterpiece after tolerating grinding harshness of this spartans The Great sacrificied their whole lives to become geniuses and rise an empire.
All across the country, state laws require drivers to wear seatbelts. Not everyone believes the use of seatbelts should be mandatory. What do you think?
mobasharIt should be mandatory to wear seatbelts while driving. Wearing a seat belt could save your life. If you are wearing a seatbelt your face is less likely to hit the windshield during an accident. sometimes it causes death results ...
What would improve your hometown?
mobasharThere are various points which can improve our hometown. First of all, the transportation system should be good, so that people can travell easily. Secondly, the roads should be wide, so that the traffic can flow frequently. Thirdly, all medical ...
Who makes a better leader, someone who is loved or someone who is feared.
mobasharLeadership is a process in which a person influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal and directs the organization in a way that makes it more coherent. A better leader is the one who is feared, in ...
Many people migrates to America because they believe that is better than their naative country.
mobasharIt is true that in these days peoples are migrating to developed countries because they beleive that their future is secured in these countries.Different people have different thoughts, some believe that the ratio of salary is higher than their native ...
Tell how you can make a new friend.
sami9One can not live alone happily.Everyone requires company to lead a happy life.Everyone has to interact with others for some basic necessities.One who lives alone,always finds oneself in boredom situation.Everyone needs a comapanion with whom he may share his sorrows ...
Describe how to be a good citizen.
sami9To be a good citizen,It’s important to know what’s happening in your community. At least that’s what a good citizen would do. A good citizen would know what’s happening whether it’s good or bad. If everyone were a bad citizen, ...
compare and contrast microscopes and telescopes.
sami9Microscope and telescope are two scientific instruments which are used to view the objects. The telescope is used to see things that are far whereas a microscope is used to look things that are very near.
Describe techniques and behaviour that make a person a good driver.
sami9I have 8 years experience in driving of motorbike. In my family, i use to be understand a good driver. I have some techniques and behaviour, which awards to me of a good driver. These are, sharpness, smoothness, calmness, Anticipation, ...
Write an essay convincing your best friend to try your favourite brand of junk food.
sami9junk foods are known as fast food. There are so many junk foods present in our city like, kfc, Macdonnas, hot and spicy. My cousin “Imran is my best friend. Specially, when he comes at my home, then I told ...
Describe a major enviromental problem and what you believe should be done about it.
sami9Our planet is poised at the brink of a severe environmental crisis. Out of which, global warming is one of the most serious issue that the world is facing today. It is the consequences of human practices like emission of ...
Describe your vision of an ideal vacation.
sami9. Vacation is a prominent slice of everyone’s life, whether all, poor or rich, man or woman and old or young. It helps us to soothe our nerves and brain and be prepared to work efficiently with complete heatedly in ...
Are students learning enough science in high school? Argue for or against an expanded science requirements in secondary schools.
sami9Yes students can learn basic science in high school, teaching pattern is very easy and basics in high school learning along with theoretical work. Opportunities have been given to the students to perform the experiments. Visit to farm house, factories ...
1. Compare and contrast public schooling and home schooling.
sami9; Childrens are learn in both public schooling and home schooling at different method. In public schooling, class work is done, home work is expected, and testing determines the student passing or failing. This time of teaching has been shown ...
1. Compare and contrast understanding and knowledge.
sami9Understanding is the ability of of people to find out the creating problem in the machine etc. Where as the knowledge is the tool through which the people being able to understand the problem. Or If you can comprehend what ...
Write an essay convincing reader to try the activity that you enjoy most .
amber2000A morning walk is a kind of healthy activity not comparable to any other activity.I do it early in the morning on track near my home.It freshen my mind for all day activities.Green fresh grass with dew drops soothen my ...
Write an essay convincing reader to find a charity nd volunteer their time .
amber2000Many people volunteer their time through non profit organizations,churches and other charitable venues.Charity work distribute resources equally between poor and rich people.It is an attempt to provide facilities to needy smililar to rich ones. It removes discrimination nd bring all ...
Write aan essay persuading your your principal to allow students to continue attending field trips.
amber2000Field trips carry significant importance on student performance.School visits to park nd field increase potential for studies. It is a healthy activity for brain nd intelligence. It provides opportunity to communicate on issues other than syllabus.It not only develop strong ...
Many of us spend hours in front of our computers and communicate more by e-mail or instant messaging that in person. Some people believe this is good or some think this is not good.
mobasharDuring this technological era, many people rely on their computers to communicate with one another. It may be through e-mail or by instant messaging on a social network. Many people spend some hours on their computer, some even all day. ...
Citizens are required to serve in the military for a year or more.
mobasharMilitary service should be mandatory in every country for citizens. Everyone enjoys the benefits of living in a country where forces are sacrificing their lives to save them, so it is the responsibility of everyone to spent at least one ...
We all have favourite activities that we enjoy.
mobasharLeisure activities can give opportunities to become relax and get rid of stress from the day. It is really good for people to relax after busy day. Personally, I use to play badminton regularly. I enjoy it a lot and ...
Television violence has a negative effect on society because it promotes violence.
mobasharThese days, every time you turn on the TV you watch violent news like explosions, suicide bombings, and war casualties. Now a day’s children spent more time in front of TV. Children who view programmes in which violence is very ...
Experimentation on animals is wrong nd should be stopped immedietely .Agree or disagree?.state your position.
amber2000God has made animals to serve humans for example goats and cows are slaughtered to provide meet,donkey and horse pull cart and weight.With endless efforts science introduces drugs for mankind.Before their practical application they are tried on animals.Experimentation on animal ...
According to some people,elderly drivers should be required to reapply for driving license because with age comes diminish vision ,hearing and reaction time.How you feel about this issue?Explain what you think should be done and why?
amber2000After the age of 60 function of human body start to lower down.Vision gets blur,elder people suffer from hearing loss and deafness.Brain and nerves response becomes delay , reflex system fails to operate.All this increases chance of roadside mishaps and ...
Many people believe that television violence has a negative effect on society because it promote violence.Do you agree or disagree?Use specific reason and example to support your answer.
amber2000It is truth that television violence has negative effect on society especially on children.In most of the movies villain role is more powerful, energetic and strong as compare to hero who is shown as weak person, although at the end ...
Math is a required subject. Explain why is it so important.
sami9Mathematics is very important subject it helps people in everyday calculation.Math is something that is widely used in every job and in other fields.Without math we can not find out the population is in the world.
Explain the purpose of internet .includes various viewpoints,including that of users and providers.
sami9The main purpose of internet in communication and information sharing.with the internet the world has become a global village.We can communicate with anyone very easily in corner of world.
We all have favorite activities that we enjoy. Write an essay convincing readers to try the activity that you enjoy most.
sami9Every one has different hobbies.Somebody love kite flying while somebody like Swimming.I enjoy most of time sleeping at weekend.I study the whole week and get tired.I wait for the weekend impatiently. My every weekend is always full of amusement and ...
Difference between microscope nd telescope ?
amber2000Microscope is being used in science especially biology nd telescope is being used in astronomy. Microscope is used to see smaller nd nearer objects while telescope is used to see larger and distant objects.Microscope has brought revolution in field of ...
Some people think that school cafeteria should be required to provide low fat or vegetarian lunch options to accommodate the eating habits of all students .Do u agree or disagree?
amber2000Yes I agree that school cafeteria should be required to provide range of food.This will benifit protein allergic people for example some people are allergic to chicken nd mutton and they need to stick to vagitables for their food intake.similarly ...
Some people prefer to live in quiet of a country ;other prefer hustle n d bustle of city.which do you think is better choice?state your position and explain it with specific reasons and exam.ples
amber2000This is something entirely related to personality of a person.Introvert like to live in quiet of a country while extrovert prefer hustle and bustle of city.Light,sound and people give spark and meaning to their lives.According to me to live in ...
One of your good habits that improves your physical ,emotional an financial health.
amber2000My good habit worth sharing is my happy mood.I do not get angry on little problems of life. My smile boosts my immune system and strengthen me physically.It provides me emotional support and makes me strong in ups and downs ...
Are smaller families better than larger ones?state your position and support it with specific reasons nd examples.
amber2000As per my view smaller families are better than larger ones. Now a days the way a child is raised is far different from the way child was raised decades ago.Standard education,healthy life style,better feeding and regular medical follow up,in ...
write an essay convincing reader to break a specific habbit that is harmful to physical, emotional nd financial health.
amber2000Anger and rage on little problems of life has health hazards.It causes nervous breakdown.It pushes people towards psychological problems for example depression.Sometimes people loose their profit in business.Person with short temper can not make profitable deals.In other words it has ...
Society,Culture and Feminism.
anusheAccording to sociology, there are three types of lifestyles; patriarchal, matriarchal or symmetrical. In a patriarchal lifestyle, men are the major breadwinners and decision makers, whereas in a matriarchal lifestyle women have the upper hand. According to history, mankind has ...
Putting the blame where it’s due.
anusheA few days back, when the picture of a Pakistani girl riding a bike along her mother trended on social media, I went through different types of comments regarding her. A few appreciated her for breaking a norm, and many ...
Disadvantages of a Monopoly.
anusheMonopoly is the the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service. A monopoly has many disadvantages. A monopoly tends to have a poor level of service. A monopoly market is best known for ...
Advantages of a Monopoly.
anusheMonopoly is the the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service. Monopolies usually have disadvantages but in some circumstances they have advantages. There are more economies of scale in a monopoly. With increased ...
Monetary Policy
anusheMonetary policy is the by which the government controls the supply of money, often targeting the interest rate and inflation rate. It also aims to contribute to economic growth and stability, to lower unemployment, and to maintain predictable exchange rates ...
Fiscal Policy
anusheFiscal policy is the use of government’s money in order to influence The fiscal policy effects; aggregate demand and the level of economic activity, Savings and Investment in the economy and the distribution of income. There are three main types ...
Balance Of Payment Stability.
anusheBalance of payments stability is the balance between negative and positive balance of payments. The balance of payments is positive if the exports are more than imports, however it is negative if the imports are more than the exports. If ...
Balance of Payments
anusheThe balance of payments of a country is the record of all economic transactions between the residents of the country and the rest of the world in a particular period, most commonly a year. These transactions are made by everyone; ...